


You have more control over people and things, than you think, this is evident from the following:

‘We don’t see things as they are; we see them as we are’.
Anaïs Nin

You are what you see!

If you change the way you look at things, those things will change.

When you see that you change, you will see your whole world changing around you. People who were bothering you disappear from your life or are good for you and new people come into your life, who love you and contribute to your growth and development!

The observer has a great influence on what is observed, according to quantum physics.

The eye of the master, makes the horse fat! That's positive control!


"We do not attract what we want, We attract what we are!’ – Wayne Dyer

If we have a taker in life, and always want to catch effe, says the Universe also: "Can I catch any of you". The same applies to giving, if you give your servants and prepares, The Universe does the same!


We do not see what, but what we are, see misery and insecurity, then that says a lot about you, then you pull it on.

He / she reflects you really

He / she sees the real reasons behind your outer behavior and understanding and thus love you, trust him or her:

He / she sees / perceives:

Je zorgen en verdriet achter je glimlach

De woede achter je overdreven vriendelijkheid

De liefde achter je woede en boosheid

De reden van je zwijgen

De zelfkritiek achter je kritiek

De behoefte aan waardering en erkenning achter je grote hulpvaardigheid

De positieve intentie achter je verwijten en beschuldigingen

De onzekerheid en twijfel achter je ‘zekerheid’

De behoefte aan aandacht als je teveel praat

De verborgen pijn van de afwijzingen en negatieve commentaren uit je jeugd

Je eenzaamheid die je probeert te verhullen door je drukke bestaan

De onwetendheid en onbewustheid achter slechte daden

Je angst die je van de liefde afhoudt, terwijl je verlangt naar liefde

Achter je stoerheid de verborgen kwetsbaarheid en zachtheid

Achter je harde werken de niet vervulde behoefte aan waardering en erkenning

Achter je spiritualiteit het verlangen om gezien te worden en geliefd te worden

Dat je perfectionisme en drang om te presteren, voortkomt uit afkeuring en grote eisen, die aan je gesteld werden, en gebrek aan liefde uit je kindertijd

Bron: book The drama of being mirrored, verschijnt voorjaar 2019 Book published by Bent

You are what you see

Debbie Ford has said that James Baldwin: "You can only face in others what you facing in yourself '. If you have no regard for your own shadow and negative sides you can see them even in the other and you can easily become a victim of what happened to me. It takes one to know one.

Wayne Dyer zei: "You are unable to see beyond, what you see from the inside out!’


was my ex-mother in law 50 year when I 25 was, and then she said to me: "When you're my age, you will see what a rotten world it is'.

I thought then: "Then you do something not quite right 'and was observing her, she was only 1 girlfriend to which they have negative gossiped about the people in the village, her husband was a tyrant and dictator who bought expensive suits for himself and his wife had run into an old dress, she was drudge, So she was right, however, her world was a rotten world they generalized it and that was not so smart of her, she thought what applies to her is valid for everyone, as they saw…

I asked a narcissist what he saw in the tree that I was pointing he said: "That tree is taller than I am," with disgust in his voice, because he wanted to be the biggest, he thought in egotermen of bigger and better. When I showed a tree my dear brother said he saw the space between the leaves and fruits, typical for him…

There was a car accident. The verpeegster saw that and said,: "If there but no casualties, I'm going to see'. The insurance saw that and said,: "It will provide a tedious claim '. The policeman saw something else and said,: "I hope the traffic may be quick passage '. The bodyshop man said: "That provides a nice turnover 'and also saw something else.

A friend of mine sees men as predators and the world as hostile. He does not look inwards and do not see that that says a lot about himself


A man came to Doetinchem and saw no amusement and entertainment, said bored, that is a nasty man, to be entertained, if necessary, because he brings nothing

The pessimist sees the difficulty in the possibilities and the optimist sees opportunities in difficulties.

Lord Krishna had two kings. One was demonic, and was hated by his people, Krishna asked the king to 2 years to travel around the world looking for a truly good person. After two years the king came back and said: "I have to disappoint you, I've looked everywhere but they are all as bad as I '. When Krishna asked the amiable and beloved king 2 year to travel around the world in search of a truly evil man. After two years the king came back and said: "I have to disappoint you, I've seen people unconscious and ignorant, but a truly bad person, I can not see '.

Honor teacher mainly saw the good in his disciples and complimented them very often and appointed the abilities and talents of his pupils, this had a chain reaction effect, the students began to see the good in each other and complimented each other and the study results were better and better. All you give attention grows!.

I did draft a brochure on codependency by an editor who was in my opinion very codependent not know to have there.

He saw only missing dots and commas, and the message was passed to him final. If you look and search for stones do not you see the diamonds.

I see on the news becoming a dozen nasty and negative events but got more attention to the 6 million volunteers who selflessly helping others. The journal creates fear and volunteers create love….

If you have love for eye you a lot of observation and it will become more and this is at the expense of the fear can not exist where there is love…

Droom 22-12-2011

Ik droomde 22-12-2011 over een collega die ik Karel zal noemen. Karel had het over echtheid, authenticiteit en ik zei toen:’Dat moet jij nodig zeggen met je zonnebril en helm op, je verstopt je, schermt je af’. Ik deed z’n zonnebril en helm af en vroeg hem of hij me aan wilde kijken, dat durfde hij niet. Toen pakte ik z’n hoofd in m’n handen en draaide dat naar mijn gezicht toe en toen verdwenen z’n ogen. Op de plek waar z’n ogen hadden gezeten trok de huid samen en ontstonden en er soort navels(Moet ik niet zoveel navelstaren?). Met een zonnebril en helm op heb je een beschermende houding en dan kun je niet leren en openstaan en is er geen echte communicatie mogelijk en dat gaf me een machteloos gevoel.

Ik moest aan de film Nel denken die zei:’Jullie bouwen grote torenflats en maken grote machines maar jullie zien elkaar niet, kijken naar zien niet’. Ik besef dat ik ook niet zoveel zie en dat ik in m’n droom gespiegeld word en over echtheid gesproken, ik probeer zo authentiek mogelijk te zijn en durf anders te zijn en me toch verbonden te voelen. Ik wil inderdaad graag dat anderen me zien en dat velen inderdaad geen ogen hebben Khalil Gibran zei:’Waarom hebben we medelijden met de blinden van oog en niet met de blinden van hart’.

Ik besef dat ik me er niet mee had moeten bemoeien(don’t interfere zeggen de Amerikanen), ik had Karel z’n zonnebril en helm moeten laten zitten en hem accepteren zoals hij is, zoals ik dat bij mezelf ook mag doen.