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You can achieve self-realization and a unique, spiritual and authentic person be.

The world around you will change it. People who were negative will disappear from your life and you will meet people, which give you support and positive.

You have more in you than you think, An American said: ‘Sterf niet met de muziek nog in je’.

Are you willing to invest in your spiritual development and work on understanding, which have eternal value?

I dare you to go on the adventure and offers you the following tele-subscriptions.

Lots of love

Henny Bos

75 per month:

1 x per week 30 minuten consult

2 x per week 15 minuten consult

3 x per week 10 minuten consult


150 per month:

1 x per week 60 minuten consult

2 x per week 30 minuten consult

4 x per week 15 minuten consult

6 x per week 10 minuten consult

Both plans also includes aftercare, in the form of appjes and emails with interesting information and insights.

Also short calls between fit in, you are really coached.

If you have too much you can take half a subscription 37,50 euro

Twice a month a half hour consultation or

Four times a month, a quarter consultation

Aftercare is also true in this half subscription.

What does it mean to be a real man,nl

A real person has his ego, see through and overcome his false self. He died to his old self and now lives a second life, is spiritually born again. He has entered the Kingdom of God. And live in communion with God, de kosmos, his fellow man and his circumstances, which he often creates Himself. I know this in my life too, my ego is now servant.

A real man has compassion on his fellow man and lives according to the four sublime states, the brahmaviharā of Buddhism namely: Metta(love for everyone), Mudita(joy deeds of others), Karuna(compassie) en Upekkha(equanimity) just look it up on the internet. Very meaningful.

The real person recognizes himself in the following poem by Nietzsche:
I am finding more than enough,,nl,I have since learned to find,,nl,Since I wind once tegenhad,,nl,I sail with the winds,,nl,This poem tells a lot about my life and appeals to me,,nl,
sindsdien heb ik geleerd te vinden.
Ever since I had a headwind,
I sail with all the winds.

The real man covers both shores from the following poem by Nisargadatta:
Between the banks of pain and pleasure
stroomt de rivier van het leven.
Only when thinking and feeling beaches on one of the banks, and not going with the flow, creates misery.
The real man says no pain no gain and works with grace.

The real man disidentifies himself and says:’I have thoughts, but am not my thoughts, I have feelings but am not my feelings, i have a body, but am not my body, I have a job and a job but am not".

The real man follows his passion, he does what he loves and loves what he does. He chooses love instead of fear.

The real person writes down his goals in black and white and usually realizes them and perseveres. Don't give up.

The real man has a lot of humor, is adrem and likes witticisms, and smiles and smiles a lot, is smiling.

The real person engages in self-reflection and self-examination and self-exploration
Socrates said that an unexamined life is not worth living and that is what the real person cares about.

Diogenes walked around during the day with a lamp looking for a real person, they are so rare…

Society is made up of neurotics, people who are mechanical and operate on autopilot. Gurdjieff will be there too. So they are more robots than real people.

In lees in Erich Fromm: "I am a human being, I think nothing is alien to me", either I am human and nothing human is foreign to me. In the east they say you are the world and the world is you.

You have the pop-pop-poof consciousness, the parrot consciousness, that goes for most people and the creative consciousness, what is a characteristic of the real man.

A real person has integrated his inner child, as well as his subpersonalities. He is the conductor of his orchestra of subpersonalities and the director of his life.

The real man has a lot of influence on his fellow human beings and on his circumstances. You can measure your influence with the DISC test

The real person scores on the DAS test that stands for Dominant, Distant and Social in all aspects high ca 75%

The real man is congruent ie his thinking, voelen, acting and Being are aligned and that for him the law of attraction works so see my article about it.

The real man renews and innovates and listens to Jesus who said: see I make all things new.
He is guided by love instead of fear, and is not afraid of the unknown, but embrace that.

The real person loves or learns from every development and encounter and is therefore always a winner.

The real person pays attention mainly to ideas, inzichten, visions, essence instead of drama, what the masses stop at.

I just became a real person, after a crisis and a life of materialism and thinking to know. I became spiritual and came to my essence. I died of my old life and after another crisis I now live a third life of interdependence, self-realization and freedom,

Apart from all the cited examples of a real person, a real person is he or she who is completely Himself.

Also want to become a real person then call 06-10421646 of kijk op

The self-realized person

De stadia van bewustzijn en denken van de gerealiseerde mens heb ik in kaart gebracht zonder te pretenderen dat het compleet is. Je kunt checken in welke mate je op de goede weg bent.

Wayne Dyer asked Maslow: "What distinguishes the self-realized man the average man?!’

Maslow said that three things are:

-1- regardless of the opinion / approval of others

-2- no adhesion to the outcome

-3- no investment in control and power over others


Met alle respect voor Maslow, meen ik dat het nog meer dingen zijn, ik noem er een paar:

-niet meer te beledigen

-niet meer geestelijk te kwetsen

-verbonden met alles en iedereen

-beseft dat hij/zij een spiritueel wezen is met een menselijke ervaring

-heeft zich gedisidentificeerd en is onthecht

-heeft zelfspot en veel humor

-is dankbaar als je hem/haar corrigeert ipv boos

-leeft de waarheid van zijn ware Zelf, voelt zich niet meer maar ook niet minder dan een ander

-weet dat elke ontmoeting en elke omstandigheid er een is om van te houden en als dat niet lukt om van te leren en is zo altijd winnaar..

-heeft zijn/haar anima/animus en innerlijke kind geintegreerd en is een compleet mens

-is ontwikkelingsgericht in plaats van oplossingsgericht

-laat zich leiden door liefde en wijsheid ipv door angst en dwaasheid

-heeft zelfreflectie, erkent zijn gebreken, is volmaakt onvolmaakt en neemt zelf de verantwoordelijkheid voor zijn leven en geluk

-ziet in dat zijn omgeving de spiegel van hem/haarzelf is

-bepaalt in hoge mate zijn/haar omstandigheden is regisseur van zijn/haar leven en de dirigent van zijn/haar subpersonen die hem/haar eensgezind dienen

-is congruent en ‘clear’, denk,voelen,handelen,intuïtie en ervaren liggen op één lijn

-beleeft serendipiteiten en synchroniciteiten, is een vinder en accepteert en zegent wat er op zijn/haar weg komt.

-ziet de mogelijkheden in de moeilijkheden

-is realist en gelooft dus in wonderen, credo is: ‘Eerst geloven en dan zien!’

-is één met God, de kosmos, het universum, de Tao, Brahman, Allah of hoe je het ook noemen wilt.

-ziet ‘verlichting’ niet als eindresultaat maar als het begin van echt, uniek en authentiek leven.

-denkt holistisch en tantrisch en heeft een verruimd bewustzijn.

Ben je door deze tekst geïnspireerd geraakt om je ware Zelf te gaan ontdekken neem dan contact met me op: 06 – 10421646

Henny Bos

Bron: Boek ‘Stadia van bewustzijn en denken’ -Henny Bos, verschijnt najaar 2016 Book published by Bent

The self-realized person


Wayne Dyer asked Maslow: "What distinguishes the self-realized man the average man?!’

Maslow said that three things are:


-1- regardless of the opinion / approval of others

-2- no adhesion to the outcome

-3- no investment in control and power over others

Improvement Tips, gratis consult

It goes M.i. not to be better than another, but rather to be better than you were. You end 2016 You say that you have become better, wiser and more loving than you 2015 was. In the 42 tips presented here is also that you should take a coach, I am also a coach and counsel you to also, I am willing and able to coach you to self-realization and interdependence, which you know is connected with everything and everyone and a living artist. Call me for a free trial of consultation 30 minutes and then decide whether further proposes. Mijn telefoonnummer is: 0314 – 34 38 21 of 06 – 10421646. Remember that you can see the mote in the eye of the other but not the beam in your own eye…I wish you a very happy, healthy and successful new year

improvement tips