
Ego vs. Self

Ego vs. Self

The ego always causes trouble and is never satisfied and never grateful.
The ego is greedy and always falls short, problems with acquiring more things. The ego competes instead of cooperating with all its problems, see further the schedule:

Self and attention

Attention shapes the self and is, in turn shaped by it.

Bron: Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihaly

Attention in the sense of mindfulness and attention creates the self and the self in turn creates the attention: that what you watch, What is your focus.

If your emphasis on love, you will notice a lot of love and that molds you into a loving being/self.

You are and become what you perceive, what you pay attention to, what has your attention and interest!

A rational person pays particular attention to his thinking, facts, numbers and statistics and that shapes and reinforces its rationality!

A person is thus controlled by his points of attention and also by his self, the two form a symbiotic relationship and thus are mutually dependent on each other.

Donker en licht

You should not fight against the dark,,nl,Self-awareness and darkness dissolves,,nl,Do not fight against the dark,,nl, maar het licht aandoen.
Door tegen het donker te vechten, geef je het aandacht, en daardoor groeit het juist. Het licht ofwel je liefde, waarheid Zelf en bewustzijn lost het donker op, het kan niet bestaan in het licht. Het donker is gebaseerd op angst, leugens, ego, onwetendheid en onbewustheid.

Het reële ik, ideaal ik en geïdealiseerde ik

Most people are alienated from their real me,,nl,and have built an ideal I,,nl,and / or an idealized I,,nl,An ideal I is compiled based on calculating and pleading setting behavior,,nl,I have the intention to attack the other's taste,,nl,even if you have to bend over backwards for that yourSelf,,nl,It's a mock me that the other is trying to deceive and manipulate,,nl,The idealized me it will include, with narcissists,,nl,who find themselves grandiose and only good and pure,,nl, en hebben een ideaal ik opgebouwd, en/of een geïdealiseerd ik.

Een ideaal ik is samengesteld op basis van berekenend en pleasend gedrag. Dat ik heeft de bedoeling om bij de ander in de smaak te vallen, ook al moet je jeZelf daarvoor in allerlei bochten wringen. Het is een onecht ik dat de ander probeert te misleiden en manipuleren.

Het geïdealiseerde ik komen we onder andere tegen bij narcisten, die zichzelf grandioos vinden en alleen maar goed en puur. Ik sprak ooit zo’n narcist die verkering kreeg en toen zei dat hij zoveel liefde beleefde dat ik het niet zou kunnen snappen, zo hemels was het en de partner was ook hemels. Dan ging de verkering uit, na een paar maanden en zei de narcist dat de ex van geen kanten deugde dat hij alleen maar liefdevol, puur en echt was geweest.
Het geïdealiiseerde ik vind zichzelf super geweldig en kan niet tegen kritiek.

Het reële ik is het enige echte het ware Zelf, en daar weten we zo weinig van, dat we er niet mee naar buiten durven komen, we houden het voor onszelf en de ander verborgen en dat is jammer. Shakespeare zei al dat hij in zijn leven vele rollen speelde en dat geen enkele rol de kern raakte. Een waar woord, we leven liever in de illusie en de leugen dan in waarheid

Nietsche zei al:’Hoeveel waarheid kan en mens verdragen en hoeveel waarheid waagt hij zich’

De mensen kiezen liever voor de vleiende leugen dan voor de confronterende waarheid.

Zo blijven we met leugens leven. Fleetwood mac zong het al: ‘Tell me lies sweet little lies!’

Benieuwd hoe je tot waarheid komt en tot je reële ik, bel dan 06-10421646 of kijk op

Ego vs. Self

The definition of Charles Whitfield of codependency describes that we are making our lives dependent on our ego and others. I was also a male ego and know it so well, gradually I've developed for my true Self and know that nothing human is alien to me and flexible switching of codependency to independe nce to Intradiscal overlapping variance to counterdependentie and interdependence, which includes all the ego now service instead of ruling is. I'm not stuck in one box but am still flexible and dynamic and develop myself in the knowledge that it is infinitely conscious and his life's work is where I enjoy a lot of.

Nietzsche said very nice: "Everywhere I go I am followed by a dog called Ego," and so it is. You're doing the ego at the front door and the back door he comes back. You're not starting and you do not. You should just make sure that your ego does not play the boss of you, but a willing servant is

The ego knows only aspects of the ego. So self aspects of the Self also knows that of the ego and knows how not to.

If you want to know where you are you can identify the following aspects of the ego and the Self's go over and see how many you score on both.


ego Self


neurosis sane

competition cooperation

separate attached

brag humility

feel superior spiritual value

arrogance spiritual self

hurt help

demolish building

does not know himself self-knowledge and insight

arises is good for themselves

idealized self-image realistic self-image

Ideally I real I

negative positive

think badly of people feel good about people

mistrust trust

subconsciously aware

do not know that he is ignorant knows this well

rigid flexible

examines not investigate

does not grow on itself, develops itself

illusion reality

materialistic spiritual

does not live in the now, live in the NOW

Fear of exposure to be seen

silly point

hebzucht, taking Release, parts, give

non-love love

afgunst, jealousy compassion / dogen

agressie, violence peaceable

fear love

dominant amiable

makes over other makes over zichzelf

much talk can also be silent

noise silence

unbalance balance

see criticism as an attack critical free advice

quarrel sub-sub-harmony people person

temper serene

fighting surrender

others read the lesson accept others

selfishness altruism

chooses his right chooses his happiness

anger compassion

narcissism spiritual self

pressure relaxed

quantity quality

tamas,rajas* sattva*

bound connected

own will by driving Thy will be done

bad good

pedantic learning sample

presumptuous real

authoritarian humanistic


left brain both hemispheres

impure pure

dualitei unit, synthesis

give take

demands attention give attention

easily offended learns from insult

conflict peace, harmonie

impatience patience

effort relaxation

lie truth

impure pure

emotions feelings

condemn forgive

entropie syntropie

do do by not doing

would be better than the other corrects himself

Status esteem intrinsically

demonically divine

complexity simplicity

closed open

think you, awareness

sly smart

critical acceptance

think is the boss thinking is servant

unfreedom freedom

identification disidentification

extremely moderate

participate fully

against for

or / and or / and

verleden, future date, now

what is in it for me? what is in it for us?

I we

scarcity abundance

eros agape

knowledge, intellect, wisdom

criminal rehabilitation

profit,loss win-win

revenge make it right

rancor forgiveness

governing freedom

others use respect for others

dissatisfied satisfied

black / white full color

projecting pure perception

transformed conditioned


*sattva: security,Brightness,hartmonie

*founded: passion, energie, activity

*tamas: passivitieti,resistance,darkness

As long as you have a lot of ego to score you have a problem and that has to do with letting go, the disindentificer, emptier be. You have thoughts but are not your thoughts, You have a body, but are not your body, you have feelings but are not your feelings. If you think and feel through your ego and beyond you will discover that the false, unreal

There was once a monk who sat on the throne and the courtiers asked him: "Are you the minister ', ‘Nee, I'm more than that 'replied the monk. Ben I first dan?"She asked. The monk replied again that he was more than that. "" Are you the king?"Again the monk said that he was more. "Are you sometimes God?!'Said the courtiers. ‘Nee, I'm more than that, "said the monk, which the officers said: "Nothing is greater than God" and the monk replied,: "I am nothing"

Here are some quotes about ego versus self:

Osho: "It's your projection because your ego can not see a non-ego. Only things that are alike can recognize each other '

Debbie Ford: "We are alone but afraid of feedback when we know we lie to ourselves at some point ' (and so does the ego continuously).

Jampolskis: "The mind that is very, full of love and leaves no room for ego '

Jampolskis: "They are attracted by our ego to blame ensures that we are afraid of love '

Jampolskis: "Too much talk, not listen and constantly attack others in the speeches are a few of the more common traits of listening to the ego '.

Wayne Dyer: "The ego is in charge of much conflict and controversy because to show your prompting heads of the other '

Wayne Dyer: "The disorder, disharmony and diseases of the world these are created by the ego consciousness

Hoe groter het ego, the smaller the world.