

I was addicted smoke, work-a-holic, help-a-holic, relatieverslaafd, alcoholics and found that the medications were to feel the pain and not having to flee to remain in illusion and away from my true Self. Behind all these addictions will codependency and through much effort and study, I came to interdependence and become expert Attn. codependentie en interdependentie en counterdependentie, etc.

Through my interdpendentie I have the addictive medications no longer need and desire I no longer to.

Meer weten bel 0314-343821 and read my take on coaching for coaching and check my views about addiction search is loupje right in the orange bar looking for addiction

We wish you success in your actions toward interdependence and self-realization

Also visit the codependency network you can join for free and there is a lot of learning


Many people suffer from stress with negative consequences, because it lowers your resistance enormously, so you are sick more often and you are tired and you sleep worse, etc.etc.

Because everything in a hurry and move quickly to make things go right often much worse and we make more mistakes than we have to correct later. Goethe pointed to when he said that the best things come about if you every day doing a bit and adds

Very often you driven(lijden) what is urgent and you can not add more to what is important and essential, you have to ask yourself whether there is life after death, while you do not even live for death!!

I gained a lot of experience with stress and transforming them, also followed a course in stress counseling, I was also a work-a-holic and stress male and lived not really. Lao tse zei 500 BC: Plan your entire day full and there is no chance of life '. A statement which still is catching on and is aktueel!!

Often we grab a drink or we will smoke when stressed and we come to another addiction, that medication for yourself but not the solution. It then from bad to worse. Stop it!!

Bel 0314-343821 for an appointment for a personal or telephone consultation that will help

I just ask 30 euro per uur, so you have almost nothing to lose and much to gain, Stress makes you miserable and enslaved by the conditions rather than the master of your life and destiny.

Mijn visie op verslavingen

‘Verslaving is een vorm van zelfmedicatie ter compensatie van een gebrek aan zelfliefde en acceptatie en waardering, we moeten er niet tegen vechten, not fight the darkness, maar het licht aan doen, het licht van bewustwording en zelfkennis/-inzicht/-besef/liefde..

We moeten niet vechten tegen de verslaving maar werken aan bewustwording en liefde en hoe meer bewustwording en liefde hoe minder de zelfmedicatie van de verslaving nodig is en hoe minder angst er is.

Waar liefde is kan geen angst zijn.

Aan de verslaving ligt heel vaak codependentie ten grondslag en daar moet we dus aan werken om tot interdependentie te komen.

Mijn aanpak is niet ergens vanaf willen maar ergens naar toe werken, hoe meer licht hoe minder donker, het licht wijkt nooit voor het donker, maar het donker wijkt altijd voor het licht

Mijn specialisaties zijn: relatieverslaving, werkverslaving, rookverslaving en alcoholisme met dat alles heb ik ook ervaring opgedaan en ben nu al heel lang vrij van verslavingen