
problem life

A problem life is defensive, one that keeps you on the run

In a values driven life, you’re proactive, in charge, and guided by what is important to you

Knowing more? Bel: 06-10421646


There are two types of problems: The soluble and the insoluble. The soluble i solve the unsolvable and to lay me down as a lesson that is meant for me.

My motto is: "Every circumstance and every encounter is there to love and if that fails to learn. If you can stand so there are never problems in life.

A client were asked: "What would you be without your problems?’, the response was: 'Nothing', he had his problems, identified himself fully accept.

A client of mine said very nice that she did not mention her name when she somehow came in but they said: "That's the problem comes in again!’, From that image she ever wanted out and work toward mastery in which you are completely in charge of your problems

Also to mastery?. Bel 0314 – 34 38 21 for a free consultation at 30 minutes to get a taste!

If you spot it, you got it!!

Once you do that you become aware of your problem is already half the solution, because then you know what you can do. As long as your problem unconsciously proliferates has power over you because the unconscious is 9x more powerful than the conscious.consciousness

When you've identified a problem and nothing beiträgst to solve, you'll even part of the problem – Alte Indianerweisheit

99% of the failures comes from people who have the habit of making excuses – George W. Carve (What excuse do you have not to call me?)

Often we are unaware of our own Diverted attention and life goes on "business as usual’ and it is not that great but very mediocre, No reason to complain(all you would be delighted to do!), your life is nothing special and some dull and drab, but you hold onto it because it is familiar and known

You go there probably assume that any change is still no improvement, but remember that any improvement or a change!!

I wrote an article about how we tend to leave things as they are, I send you gladly at cost. The French zeggn: The story repeats itself', Freud talks about repetition compulsion and Americans have about the reenactment, it's all new wine into old wineskins, where Jesus ZEU: I make all things new, we luistern not there to only repeat but what was already there and then expect new results. If you keep doing the same, think and feel you'll also getting the same results and the world and life evolves and so you go further and further behind…

Neem NU aktie en bel 0314-343821 for mastery over your life

Problem und Lösung

Wenn Du ein Problem erkannt hast

und nichts zur Lösung

beiträgst, wirst Du selbst

ein Teil des Problems!“

Alte Indianerweisheit