
You're stronger than you think,nl

Your thoughts and words create your reality, namely. You are the creator of your life.

Very often we unconsciously opt for a life, we would deliberately want something else, but yes the subconscious happens to be 10 times stronger than your conscious.

A man had a bad life and blamed it on conditions and others. He came in a shop where they sold carpets, suggested those lives.
The seller said that the man was allowed to choose a new life. Did the man, when he had picked a rug salesman said the: "But that is exactly the same life that you have now!!.

Nietzsche said that if our wishes would come true soon we were living in hell. And that's because most people think neurotic, feel and act

You will have your way of thinking and feeling and acting to change. For example by recognizing that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience, no it is inverted: You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

If you go look at the world as you see another world. Change your thoughts and change your world You say Americans of positive psychology.

It's a matter of letting go of your old values ​​and beliefs and openness to new insights. Nietzsche was right on revaluation of all values, revaluation
all values,

Follow the advice of Socrates who said: "Improve yourself by reading the writings of others and you will easily see where that others should do much trouble '.

A friend of mine said I wake you write books and so it. It is the awakening of your spiritual sleep. Visit my book offer and give your life more meaning. Einstein said that success is not the ultimate goal but meaning.

Now sentence in a conversation on the meaning and awakening, bel 06-1041646 or visit in coaching +

The self-realized person


Wayne Dyer asked Maslow: "What distinguishes the self-realized man the average man?!’

Maslow said that three things are:


-1- regardless of the opinion / approval of others

-2- no adhesion to the outcome

-3- no investment in control and power over others

Macht en manipulatie

In the drama triangle power and manipulation play a major role. Nietzsche had already Der Wille zur Macht 'that characterizes the ego. The ego that wants to play lead and playing in the drama triangle. The ego manipulates to his own way and equal to want. Machiavelli said: "The end justifies the means" and that creed used in the triangle.

George Simon Jr. -Ph.D. wrote the beautiful book 'in sheep's clothing - understanding and dealing with manipulative people' George scored points when he says that the wolves clothe themselves in sheep's clothes and appear innocent. They are often eloquent, charming and can with flattering words you get exactly where they want you have. They're without you watch that pull down and frustrate. If you do not know you can hurt and damage. All of which you are not aware you can hurt and you can win the slave and victim to be.

The prosecutor manipulates his behavior and words themselves have power. The rescuer feels deep inside worthless and wants power over the victim to feel still worth something. The victim manipulated by doing pathetic, crying and his helplessness in which he saddles the rescuer with guilt anyway to help. He ensures that the rescuer feels guilty if he does not help the victim and the victim seizes power.

If possible victim also allows for the rescuer is a bad man will feel if he does not help the victim with his misery, he still causing himself and he clean up another late. Goethe gods: "The worst thing that a human being can happen is that he is going to feel bad about themselves'

If the rescuer notices that the plaintiff victims in his place put the rescuer will sue the prosecutor and thus itself become a prosecutor and if not then helps victims. And so the circle goes on forever.

Only he who feels powerless wants power, we often want what we do not have rather than to be happy and thankful for / with what we have.

In the drama triangle is about power over others rather than the power of something and yourself.

We play in the drama triangle games with each other. The prosecutor like playing the "Now-I-Have-You-Ellen Sharing, Rescuer play "Look-Once-The-well.I-Ben 'and the victim play" Poor-I "and" Look-Once-What-You-Me-If-Lets-Do'., these are some of the many games we play.

Eric Berne wrote the book "Games people play" bad translated into Dutch by 'Ludo', it is a recommended book to be aware of the games that you play and you them to loosen and real and to be authentic.

Bron: Book The Drama Triangle’ – Henny Bos, op 5-2-2014 Henny Bos will give a lecture about power and manipulation in Groningen, Further information will follow


Nietzsche had het terecht over de wil tot macht en zag dat het ego de macht wil, niet de macht tot maar de macht over, het ego wil de baas spelen.

Kennis is macht zegt men en ook daarmee proberen veel mensen te imponeren en macht uit te oefenen en vergeten de formule E = K x A ofwel de E van Effect is gelijk aan de K van Kennis maal de A van Acceptatie, if the acceptance 0 is kan de kennis 100% zijn, maar is het effect toch 0. Dan is je kennis geen macht maar onmacht.

Kennissen maakt noch machtiger, netwerken noemen ze dat met als credo:’What is in it for me?!’, in plaats van te delen en geven vanuit de rijkdom van je wezen(kracht).

” Ik geloof in de macht van het zwijgen, daar kan ik uren over spreken – George Bernard Shaw

Ik tipte een vrouw een boek van Wayne Dyer, tot m’n ontsteltenis zei ze dat ze de tips goed kon gebruiken om de controle(power) over haar man te houden, macht in plaats van liefde dus.

We staan niet altijd stil bij de macht van het woord. Woorden kunnen afscheiding teweeg brengen of verbinding creëren. Woorden kunnen verdrietig, woedend en blij maken. In de Bijbel staat:’In den beginne was er het woord, en het woord was bij God en het woord was God’, over macht gesproken. Nu ik dit lees zal ik nog meer op mijn woorden letten

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