
I have everything but feel empty

I had that feeling just before my crisis and maybe you have this feeling too. Materially it's okay but I don't feel satisfaction no meaning.
Einstein zei: “Don't be a person of success, but a person of significance”.

On this site you will find information to gain more insight and meaning.

Also look at Coaching+ for the many possibilities that are open to you

I wish you much wisdom, love and meaning

Love and wisdom

Love and wisdom

Voor ware vriendschap zijn wijsheid en liefde noodzakelijk. Hier wat informatie over wijsheid en liefde

Wat zoeken we in vriendschap ? A "rich relationship", where is it now? We want loved, be known and seen as we are (actually) zijn. Intimacy, vertrouwen, safety and security are keywords. Velen van ons associëren dit met jezelf mogen zijn, je niet anders, ’beter’ voor hoeven doen dan je bent. Ik voel mij niet meer dan een zwerver en niet minder dan de minister president, maar verbonden met mijn vrienden en medemens.

Hier 7!tips voor een liefdevolle omgang met je vrienden en medemens:

  1. Geef mensen echt aandacht. …
  2. Stop liefde in de dingen die je doet. …
  3. Behandel alles wat leeft met liefde en respect. …
  4. Wees dankbaar voor het leven. …
  5. Voel oprechte liefde in jezelf.
  6. Neem niets aan als vanzelfsprekend zie het wonder in alles
  7. Vernieuw jezelf steeds, word beter dan je was, dat is een kostbaar cadeau aan je vrienden

Volgens Hazrat Inayat Khan, een leermeester van me, gaan liefde en wijsheid, hand in hand. Hij zegt waar liefde is, daar is ook wijsheid en waar wijsheid is daar is ook liefde.

Schopenhauer zei: ‘De wijzen hebben eeuw na eeuw altijd hetzelfde gezegd en de mensen, hebben eeuw na eeuw altijd hetzelfde, namelijk, het tegengestelde gedaan!’. Dit is tragikomisch.

De wijzen hebben altijd gewezen op het feit, dat je je moet laten leiden, door wijsheid en liefde. De mensen echter, laten zich leiden(lijden) door angst: de angst om alleen te zijn, de angst niet goed genoeg te zijn, danwel geen erkenning en waardering te krijgen, geen respect te krijgen, beledigd te worden, ziek te worden, fear of death (die in feite neerkomt op angst voor het leven zelf)

Bruno Groening said: ‘Wie de raad van de wijzen in de wind slaat, is niet meer te helpen’. Dit klinkt wat fatalistisch, maar er zit ook wat in, want veel mensen denken het weten te hebben. Hoe minder de mensen weten, hoe meer ze menen te weten, en daarom ook speciaal te willen zijn, hier is het ego in actie!!

Ahavahel is de engel voor de Goddelijke liefde, en Jophiël is de engel voor de Goddelijke wijsheid. Zij kunnen je verder helpen, als je ze uitnodigt, om in je leven te komen. Ze komen dan door een droom, of een toevallige passage in een boek, dat je willekeurig opslaat, of door een bericht op radio of TV, of een tekst op een vrachtauto. Ik heb dat allemaal echt meegemaakt en het is wonderbaarlijk en geweldig!!

God van liefde.

ik bemin U boven alles en uit geheel mijn hart,
omdat Gij oneindig goed en oneindig beminnelijk zijt,
Uit liefde tot U bemin ik ook alle mensen als mijzelf.
Heer, geef mij steeds meer liefde!

Bron: mijn boek Wat is ware vriendschap (Friendship) zie webshop

Being alone

-1282- The ability to be alone is also the ability to truly love:
It may seem paradoxical to you, But that is not it. It's an essential truth.
Only the people who are able to be alone, are able to really love, to share and to penetrate to the deepest core of the other.
Without owning the other
Without becoming dependent on the other
Without reducing the other to a thing
Without getting addicted to the other
They allow the other complete freedom, because they know that when the other leaves they will be just as happy as they are now. Their happiness cannot be taken away by another, because it couldn't be given by anyone else. Osho (translated by me from English with additions by me)
Source my book: The true master is the master student subtitled: learn from these to-the-point life wisdoms that matter


fear articles

The inner child is love but learned fear either: Love is nature and nurture fear is

There are two feelings: fear and love, where love goes further and also a state of being.

Love Himself is truth force
Fear is ego's illusion will to power

Learner: 'What is love?’
Meester: "Love drives out all fear!’
Learner: "What we are most afraid of?’
Meester: 'For the love!’

Fear distorts your perception and makes blind and deaf, where true love looks. Through fear we become confused with regard to the reality that love is. Fear is protect and shield instead of open.

Anxiety is a result of a miserable past or worry about the future and keep you out of the here and now.

There is more fear than we want to know, usually we fear to displace our subconscious, which is 10 times stronger than the conscious and thus has control over your, without having an eye!

Anxiety is hidden behind other feelings and characteristics, ik noem er een paar:

Defensive fear is that we are being attacked
Critical fear is that we are criticized
Many laugh off fear to feel old pain
Attack / accusation is fear of being attacked
Taking fear out deficit
Scarcity, fear not get enough
Why I fear life is not in the right hand
Control / Dominance is fear to be dominated
Much talk is fear of being dominated
Conflict is fear of being wrong
Helpless is fear for your power and magnificence
Bragging is fear you can not and inferiority
Greed, fear to go hungry
Requirements fear that you do not get your way
Blaming is fear of its own imperfection
Power is the fear of impotence
Aggression, fear of being hurt
Sadness is fear of letting go to
Anger is fear that exceed your limits and you do not get what you want
Distrust, fear that you are being cheated
Shame is fear of being your true love is
Guilt is fear of making mistakes
Frustration is fear that your needs are not met
Jealousy is fear less than another
Worry is fear of uncertainty and the unknown
Stick to the status quo, fear of the unknown and fear of change
needy, people pleaser, the fear of being abandoned
Judging is fear of being judged, and fear your shadow sides
Addiction is fear to feel old pain and fear of the True Self
To seriously fear for the inner child
Courage is the fear of being a coward worn.

Forgiveness is love and compassion
Giving and sharing love and concern for fellow man
Abundance is love, the true riches
What can I do, love is to serve
Patience is love
Joy is love
Peace is love
Harmony is love
Serenity is love
Happiness is love
Attention is love
Respect is love
Tolerance is love
Enthusiasm is love
Trust is love
Can receive is love
Openness is love
Cooperation in harmony love
Acceptance of man's love

You're just afraid you do not understand. Hazrat Inayat Khan zei: ‘Alles begrijpen, doet alles liefhebben’. The love casts out all fear, true love is not fear, and vice versa!.

How do you give love to yourself?

How do you give love to yourself?

This question is increasingly being asked to me by people I have the impression that they fear- and / or have anger motivation. People who fear no respect, erkenning, waardering, attention and love from others and get them to get themselves so dependent and make it out and so codependent thinking, feel and act.

Frank wrote the Ancients: "If you as a child is not enough love and commitment have experienced between your father and mother, the chances are that you do not love yourself as an adult

Recognizing and releasing yourself and your codependency is a first step in the right direction. Reading my book "Other Value, about codependency "and listening to the CD with an interview with me about codependency, Yvonne Polman of ParaVisie can help. I also have more CDs with lectures on codependency, living and awareness and a DVD 6 short films with lectures on codependency

Fight your fear and anger, or want to keep the forced control, does not help and counterproductive and reinforces the fear and anger only. You should not fight against the dark, maar het licht aandoen. The Bible says that love fear (and thus anger) extruding.

Please also encourage your inner dialogue, is 'SelfTalk'. What do you say to yourself?. If that is not loving, correct it and does not degrade yourself. Ingeborg Bosch calls "primary defense" that you yourself silly, yourself to, niet goed genoeg, not okay, etc. finds.
That is the inner critic that we build in our youth because of the 10 messages that were given to me as a child there 9 were negative and that we drag with us.

Seeing that there is more love for you than you see now contributes to solving. Recognize that any attention you often get is a form of love and it stirs love in yourself. Louis Armstrong sings beautifully in his song 'Wonderful world'. If people say to you:’Hoe gaat het’, they actually mean:'I love you', and that feeling and let come in.

Self-knowledge and self-understanding are the keys to your essence, your essential core is love. You often need some help there at, because we do see the speck in the eye of the other, but not the beam in our own eye, as the Bible rightly says.

Be good to yourself in many ways. recognize and fulfill your needs you can do to a large extent self. However, many of us are in a defense of old pain Ingeborg Bosch calls 'Denial of needs'. We are so disappointed that we assume that our needs are not important and can not and need not be fulfilled. An erroneous idea and a loveless vision, where you have to get rid of.

Pamper yourself with a pastry, a fish market, a cup of tea or coffee and enjoy it on the way mindfulness, so with thoughtfulness, extra attention and appreciation and awareness and love and it will be increasingly.

Also pretend helps, pretend you feel a lot of love in you and give it to others creates more love in yourself. Call that friend you have neglected, mail or write a card to the person who likes you and let that marks. How else can feel your love when you give no express?. Give and give you will receive much, but do not, as does the codependent, at the cost of yourself.

Laat de controle the, in the surrender and most creams, cooperating with grace, is the biggest win. Codependency and maintain control of your true, unconditional love off, it is investing more, namely to give to get, and that's not give that business.

Do not be a 'people pleaser' to control people. Do not just nice but be nice, Be real and authentic and interdependent.
As a child you learned to lie and nice to do because that behavior was rewarded and were punished when you were angry or in any other way yourself was.

An attitude of gratitude for all that there is, leads to more happiness and love. Let your prayer be a prayer of thanksgiving for all the blessings you receive, but if it turns, because you could then just do it once needed for development, no pain no gain, say Americans.

There is a Cherokee story which says an Indian against his chief:"In me, I have a wolf evil wolf and the good, welke wolf zal er winnen?!'The chief answers:"The wolf that you feed!’
so give power to love everything in your, all acts, thoughts and feelings of kindness, vrede, harmonie, sereniteit, humor, etc.

Wiser and you become more loving. Wisdom and love go hand in hand. With daily attention to your growth and development, you become wiser and more loving and interdependent. Socrates zei:"Improve yourself by reading the writings of others and you get easily where others have much trouble to do, m.i. wise advice. He board of ways beats the wind is beyond help(-)

If you prefer working in a group is a Spiegelogie fanclub recommended and also a discussion group Attitudinal healing or other self-help group, where people respect each other and support and encourage.

If you once again wondering what you should do now again, ask yourself what would make love or , if you want, would do what Jesus.