core Quadrants
Daniel Ofman invented the core quadrants, which are very sensible to emphasize the limitations and drawbacks of the excel anywhere. As every disadvantage has its advantage(I write more about) has every advantage and its disadvantage there go the core quadrants o.a. over.
I scored a psychological test far over the limit when it came to analytical skills. The psychologists thought there was a mistake and looked after all, knocking it proved, I was exceptionally analytical. This core quality I will elaborate in a core quadrant to give an example of how you can create your own core quadrant
core Quality: Analytisch vermogen
pitfall: in feeling his
Challenge: More come your feeling
Allergy: mush
The allergy is something you bother to, what repels and where you can get annoyed and then pass to the opposite behavior. My allergy is sentimentality that I call often emotional incontinence. The challenge may be entered and should not be exaggerated so you enter the allergy
It might be an idea to make your own core quadrants, it leads to more awareness
Finally, a Haiku about core quadrant:
See your core quadrant
The downside to your advantage
and become aware