


‘To realize that you are not your thoughts is when you begin to awaken spiritually.’

- Eckhart Tolle

During a course I taught psychosynthesis include: You have thoughts, but are not your thoughts and your feelings have, but are not your feelings. In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy noemen ze dat defusie, you detach from your thoughts and feelings…..if a witness watching…


Doe jij dit ook?!

Probeer je onplezierige gedachten en gevoelens te minimaliseren, check, verdringen, vermijden, vluchten ervoor en ontsnappen eraan dan is dat wat ze in ACT experiential avoidance noemen en dat levert ellende op. Het volgende gedichtje van Nisargadatta wijst daar ook op: Between the banks of pain and pleasure, stroomt de rivier van het leven, only when thinking and feeling beaches on one of the banks, and not going with the flow, creates misery. Knowing more? Bel: 06-10421646


There are always people(especially the narcissists) who do their best to give your feeling that you feel wrong, dom bent, are cocky, inferior,, etcetera…They themselves are not in their feelings and now need others feel for them. They are also adept to make you angry because they can not handle their own anger and feel and because they displace their anger.

Maya Angelou has a beautiful poem about o.a. To feel that I leave, here in picture

Maya Angelou


Hoe voel jij?

How and what do you feel now, where are you especially in the chart below and you will move forward call 0314 – 343821

Erger jij je aan anderen?

If you get annoyed at others you might repressed shadow side of yourself and against aspects of yourself that you do not want to recognize and thus frustrate you and sabotage, knowing more? Bel: 0314 – 34 38 21 of mail: with your question or request