
Think quality

I in October 2015 a lecture for the Theosophical Society lodge Arnhem held over the quality of thinking there is a CD made from over 1 hours recording(See my shop), I am now writing a book which has the working title: "Stages of consciousness and thinking’ and who knows, you have a contribution to it, I am very curious

It is known that thoughts tend to materialize, and that thoughts lead to words, and that words can even alter the genes and DNA see my article about the power of words

Tantrisch denken

Wat is tantrisch denken? Tantric thinking is a way of thinking that accepts everything and approves as it is experienced now, just as it is, without judgment or opinion. Tantric thinking is beyond 'good’ or 'poor', 'And Don'ts', "Positively’ or 'negative'. It sees and recognizes the usefulness and accuracy of all can benefit and learn from everything. It sees everything as it is, judgmentally.

If I feel sad I accept the message: "It's okay to feel sad ', I approve: And if my grief is accepted by my way of thinking, I am happy. My sadness may be there! Finally have my thoughts about my grief (do my grief) not to feel guilty for what they are.

This is a great Tantric secret. Anything that may be, and thus is fully accepted, experienced almost automatically as happy. When I feel I let myself feel this completely sad. By fully able to experience my sadness makes me happy. I do not force me not to feel happy. I give myself permission to feel too unhappy. Both accept me as just: happy or not happy.

When we our thoughts, Emotions; Accept feelings and actions, we live in unity with ourselves and we show no resistance to what we are. We stop being aggressive against ourselves, we stop fighting against ourselves.

The principles of the tantric way of thinking:

  1. Já say to all life events and all appearances of life.
  2. Thoughts, Emotions, words and deeds are neutral. We judge them to 'good', 'Bad', 'Pleasant’ of’ 'Annoying'.
  3. Everything and everyone in our lives is meant to learn and develop. Therefore, everything and everyone is welcome in our lives.
  4. It does not matter what we think or feel. Anyways we are right.

Bron: Koorddanser 2015

I have used this way of thinking without knowing that it was thinking Tantric. I had thought the aphorism: "The acceptance is the key to transformation" and resisted me when no longer against my depression but accepted it as a message from my higher self, I told myself: "I have a depression now, accepted that and still love me, everything is good, it is to love, and if that fails to learn from and I did and I still do.

With respect to a starting point 4 the tantric thinking I object because we can be wrong and incorrect, impure thinking and we must have the courage to correct ourselves. I have to think of a statement of Nietzsche who said: "The point is expected that they do not commit follies, which is a violation of human rights!’

Rumi zei: "He who weaknesses, limitations and shortcomings do not recognize is his own enemy '

Uitganspunt 4 it goes to the statement of Henry Ford who said,: "Those who think they can and they may not think are both right '

When tantric blessing you think everything that comes your way is all well and think that it contributes to your growth and development. You warn the pain of life and knows noiet: ‘No pain , no gain’. Nisargadatta has a beautiful poem from there

I leave here are

Between the banks of pain and pleasure,

the river flows.

Only when thinking and feeling

beaches on one of the banks

and not going with the flow,

creates misery


Acceptance is not a cowardly resignation or down in the towel and leave everything to fate. You can accept a situation in which you will precisely find that the greatest changes occur because there is no opposition is more, no longer hold to the old, Trusted, then you will just continue to grow and develop..

Taoist farmer is a good example of Tantric thought and – awareness let me follow the story here:

De Taoïstische boer

There was once a poor peasant, He only had one son and an old horse and no other possessions

One day his old horse runs away and his neighbors to come pay their respects that it is so terrible and the farmer says to their surprise:'It will be good'

A week later the old horse comes with a whole herd of wild horses running, and the neighbors are coming to congratulate the farmer that he is now a rich man with many horses and the farmer says again:'It will be good'

The son is riding one of the wild horses and falls off and breaks his leg, the neighbors come again express their sympathy and the farmer says again:'It will be good'

War breaks out and the son now do with his broken leg is not in service and the neighbors congratulated the farmer again and the farmer says again:'It will be good'

The farmer takes life as it comes and does not preclude the sit against where neighbors still in the duality between misery and fun

The farmer has the tantric awareness and -denken of full acceptance that leads to transformation and peace and harmony

The farmer knows that if you are in surrender you know that everything will ultimately be good for your salvation, just adversities make our soul more beautiful

All suffering is confusion, confusion you resist what. If you're perfectly clear wart is there is what you want. So if you want something else then there's you know that you are confused – Byron Katie

Want what you have and are is the right, where most people want what they can not and do not have and do exactly the opposite of what wisdom is, Schopenhauer has already said.


Every encounter, and every circumstance is something to keep or to learn and not to oppose and reject it

On this day of your life,

Dear Friend I believe God wants you to know…

…that nothing is ever as bleak as it looks.

Everything, in fact, is a blessing.

I know, I know… that is sometimes very hard

to believe. How can a sudden, calamitous event in one’s life

be a blessing? It takes a longer view, I know,

to see this wonderful truth. Even a diagnosis

of a terminal illness could be seen as another gift

from life when experienced from a particular perspective.

It is an opportunity for us to express once again,

at the next highest level, Who We Really Are.

And, if it turns out that, at the Soul level, we have

indeed decided to leave our present physicality

in this particular way and time, that, too,

would be an expression of our Highest Self.

And so, all “calamities” are blessings, not yet

understood by the Mind. God knew this was a good day

for you to hear this…

Love, Your Friend