
DVD met 6 korte lezingen over codependentie

Deze vlinder zal als afbeelding op de dvd hoes staan


In oktober of november 2011 will show a DVD which 6 you tube filmpjes komen te staan met lezingen over codependentie


Onderwerpen zijn:

-How I found out?

-Definities en vragen

-Het disfunctionele gezin en de codependente gevolgen

-Helpaholics, helpen/redden om je goed te kunnen voelen

-Controle & codependentie

-The Karpman Drama Triangle


De filmpjes duren 5 a 10 minutes

CD Peter de Kock en Henny Bos interviewen elkaar over codependentie

This image will be on the cover of the CD

The CD is ready, 50 minute conversation between Peter Kock and Henny Bos, both experts in the field of codependency.

Topics include o.a. how you discovered that you attract codependent and dysfunctional family, control and boundaries and roads to recovery.

Brochure: Basiskennis van Codependentie nu te Downloaden

The booklet on the basics of codependency are now online and can be downloaded from this site. You can download the brochures here download and print.

Gratis folder over codependentie

In October 2011 Henny has published a leaflet about codependency. By US experts called codependency the human condition, because we all pretty much have a greater or lesser degree.

The leaflet asks questions, giving you a first indication of whether you think codependent, feel and / or act. Furthermore, a definition of codependency is given and there is an overview of the information about codependency that Henny has to offer in the form of a folder., cd’s, a DVD, brochures and books.

Attention has also been paid to the fact that we are often our own worst enemy, many statements about this by various authors are included in the folder, o.a. the statement of my friend Peter de Kock who said:"Codependency has been at war with yourself’

The brochure is available free of charge for serious interested parties on request and can be downloaded by clicking on: folder complete

90-2 interdependentie

"There is a chance of more than 90% you think codependent, feel and act
en niet tot de 2% behoort die zich bewust is van z’n codependentie en
erbovenuit is gestegen naar interdependentie.”