You are what you see….
Wayne Dyer lived in Florida and was visited by a woman from Chicago, who wanted to move to Florida. She asked Wayne how people in Florida were. Wayne asked a counter question and asked how the people in Chicago are. They replied that they were very selfish and unsympathetic, aggressive and greedy. Wayne zei: "So people are here too!’.
Then a woman came from New York, who wanted to move to Florida, They also asked how people in Florida were. Wayne asked how people were in New York. She replied that very sympathetic, friendly, are helpful and generous. Then Wayne said: "So people are here too!’.
Lord Krishna had two kings, a hated, demon king and beloved, selfrealized king. He asked the king hated to travel around the world long two years looking for a really good man. After two years the hated king came back and said,: "I have to disappoint you I have a good look, but they are all as bad as I!’. When Krishna asked the king loved to travel around the world for two years to find a truly bad man. After two years, the beloved king came back and said,: "I have to disappoint you, I looked good and no bad person seen, however unconscious and ignorant people, but not bad people!’.
My ex mother in law was 50 toen ik 25 was, she told me: "When you're my age then you'll see how bad the world!’. Her story intrigued me and I discovered that she was married to a potentate of a man a real dictator, who did not realize, but his wife's shadow side mirrored. He bought often expensive suits for himself and let his wife run into an old dress, He dominated his wife and did not know that there can not be love. With his dominant behavior he had the best intentions to change his wife in a loving partner. He just did not understand, dat je de ander niet kunt veranderen. His approach was not working and yet he went through with it. My ex mother gossiped with her only friend of the people in the village. It was an expression of repressed anger at the fact that she had never received love and received. She was unaware of the opportunity to develop love for yourself and others.
My ex-laws were so not bad people, they were lost, unaware and ignorant. They did not want to learn and be open to my good news and preview. Namely that we must accept and respect ourselves and others with both its bad and good sides. Indeed, we are perfectly imperfect. We should not draw us like beggars for love, as my parents did, but give love and share, only then it comes to you!.
My French teacher was okay but aloof and some chilly, she told me that the French were so distant and chilly. I said that she was mirrored, there she was angry. Nietzsche zei: "How much truth we can bear, how much truth we venture '. When I am in France, the people are friendly, sympathetic and welcoming, I was often invited to dinner at her home. I was also mirrored. Occasionally there is also mirrored a negative side of me and I can learn from.
Do you recognize in this story, then do consider The Work of Byron Katie, which can be found on You tube and / or you call me: 06-10421646
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