Inner child

8 fasen om het Innerlijke kind te bereiken:

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 1:
Het begint met de bewustwording dat er een Innerlijk kind in je is en dat je dat in een kelder hebt gestopt om niet meer gekwetst te worden en dat het dus aandacht en liefde tekort komt en je dus saboteert. In deze fase gaat het om je bereidheid om het Innerlijke kind te ontdekken en willen leren kennen

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 2:
Je kunt het kind lokken met een gerichte vraag bijvoorbeeld of het een ijsje wil, of een gebakje of chocolade en dat dan halen en als kind opsmikkelen en zo begin je contact te maken met je innerlijke kind dat in het begin wantrouwend zal zijn en afwachtend, je moet het in deze fase uit de tent lokken, you can also buy a nice cuddly toy and take it to bed and do something from your inner child

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 3:
Write a short letter to your inner child with your dominant hand and then answer on behalf of the inner child by writing with your non-dominant hand,,nl,This forms the first exchange of ideas,,nl,overcome any fear or trepidation that you experience,,nl,Be honest to yourself,,nl,This is the voice dialogue phase in which you enter into a dialogue with your inner child based on the phases,,nl,t / m,,es,You can ask the child questions by writing back with your dominant hand,,nl,questions can be,,nl,are you afraid,,nl,What would you like me,,nl,What did you not see and hear,,nl,how old are you,,nl,I am able to win trust,,nl,zo ja,,ja,What do I have to do for that,,nl,what can you do for me,,nl,Your answer then as the inner child by writing with your non-dominant hand,,nl, dit vormt de eerste gedachtenuitwisseling, overwin eventuele angst of schroom die je ervaart, wees eerlijk naar jezelf.

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 4:
Dit is de voice dialogue fase waarin je de dialoog met je innerlijke kind aangaat op basis van de fasen 1 t/m 3. Je kunt het kind vragen stellen door weer te schrijven met je dominante hand, vragen kunnen zijn:
-ben je bang?
-wat zou je graag van me willen?
-wat wilde je niet zien en horen?
-hoe oud ben je?
-kan ik je vertrouwen weer winnen?
-zo ja, wat moet ik daarvoor doen?
-wat kun je voor me betekenen?
Je antwoord dan weer als het innerlijke kind door te schrijven met je niet-dominante hand. You can put two chairs facing each other a seat for the big one for you and your inner child and ever changing place and record the dialogue on a voice recorder,,nl,talk if you answer if the inner child is also a child-voice,,nl,you live in,,nl,have empathy,,nl,This is the fully admit and integrate your inner child,,nl,you recognize it and you love it and are loving,,nl,custodial parent for your inner child,,nl,you have both a father and mother and also sets limits if the child too demanding and unreasonable,,nl,The adult in your care leave for mothers and fathers who are loving and caring,,nl,appreciative,,af,accepterend,,en,correcting,,nl,inspirational,,nl,In my case,,nl,Riemke,,en,Elly,,vi,Gerrit,,en,Geert,,en, praat als je antwoord als het innerlijke kind ook met een kind-stem, leef je in, heb empathie.

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 5:
Dit is het volledig toelaten en integreren van je innerlijke kind, je erkent het en hebt het lief en bent een liefdevolle, verzorgende ouder voor je innerlijke kind, je ben er zowel een vader als moeder voor en stelt dus ook grenzen als het kind teveel eist en onredelijk is

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 6:
De volwassene in je laten zorgen voor vaders en moeders die liefdevol zijn en zorgzaam, waarderend, accepterend, corrigerend, inspirerend, etc. In mijn geval: Elly, Ingeborg Bosch, Melody Beattie, Ray, Gerrit, Arthur
Fathers and mothers should not be appointed by the Inner Child will clear again fall into the same trap of traumatic reenactment,,nl,either put it back in the old scene,,nl,traumatic experiences,,nl,The adult let you take care of grandparents and / or masters who have understanding,,nl,wise and storytellers are,,nl,Inayat Khan is an example of that for me said,,nl,"Love and wisdom go hand in hand,,nl,love where there is wisdom and vice versa "he said ..,,nl,"Understanding all do love everything,,nl,another example for me was Goethe who said,,nl,"Depending I get older I become milder,,nl,For all the mistakes I see around me, I recognize myself,,nl, ofwel het opnieuw in scene zetten van de oude, traumatische ervaringen

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 7:
De volwassene in je laten zorgen voor opa’s en oma’s en/of meesters die begripvol zijn, loving, wijs en storytellers zijn. Inayat Khan is daar voor mij een voorbeeld van die zei: ‘Liefde en wijsheid gaan hand in hand: waar liefde is daar is ook wijsheid en omgekeerd’..Hij zei ook: ‘Alles begrijpen doet alles liefhebben, een ander voorbeeld voor mij is Goethe die zei: ‘Al naar gelang ik ouder word word ik milder, want alle fouten die ik om me heen zie herken ik van mezelf, Charles was also a grandfather to me who wished me a lot of inspiration and named young friend,,nl,Avalokitesvara are some other grandfathers and masters,,nl,Maya Angelou is for me a loving and wise grandmother,,nl,Conclusion,,nl,By integrating your inner child and you have to be fully aware of and will have you no longer sabotage the sweet and you'll go on wings,,nl,everything will be fine unless your other subpersonalities neglected and left late Also that can still sabotage,,nl,there you can do the same work with it as with your inner child,,nl,"The Inner Child,,nl,inner-child Archives,,nl, Lao tse, Buddha, Jesus, Osho, Avalokitesvara zijn nog wat andere opa’s en meesters, Maya Angelou is voor mij een liefdevolle en wijze oma.

Phase,,it,It begins with the realization that there is an Inner child in you and that you have put in a basement to be no more hurt and that it is love and attention deficit and you will sabotage,,nl,This phase involves your willingness to discover the inner child and want to know,,nl,You can lure the child to a specific question such as whether it wants an ice cream,,nl,or pick up a pastry or chocolate and then as a child something to enjoy and so begin to make contact with your inner child will be suspicious at first and waiting,,nl,you have to provoke the tent at this stage,,nl 8:
You can contact the angels who stand for the inner child, Sandalphon is the most mentioned, but also Gabriel is called. You can express the wish that they come into your life and send you a message that can come through the radio or TV you suddenly hear something and think that is it or you save a random page in a book or newspaper and get information. Gemstones that belong to the angels are selenite and celestite

Door je innerlijke kind te integreren en je er volledig bewust van te worden en het lief te hebben zal het je niet langer saboteren en je zul op vleugels gaan, alles zal goed gaan tenzij je andere subpersonen veronachtzaamd en links laat liggen ook die kunnen je nog saboteren….daar kun je hetzelfde werk mee doen als met je innerlijke kind….
Bron: My book: Discover and embrace your inner child