Anxiety is the fear of making mistakes and paralyzes and ensures that we are going to correct many mistakes, for fear the dreaded pull…
I suggest that you MUST make mistakes, it is normal and human, you are perfectly imperfect that makes you just fine and worth, Errors provide adventure, surprises and discoveries in your life and provide learning experiences. From your mistakes you usually learn more than from your successes.
When I was married, my wife was very afraid to drop dishes and you guessed it, there was much broken. When we were once ugly crockery from my parents and did not care whether it broke, absolutely no fear of failure and so during washing and drying we threw the dishes and nothing broke. Het was de selffullfilling prophecy.
When you have anxiety you're afraid to make mistakes, while making mistakes you just help ahead!
Successful people do not think of right or wrong but in result, development and feedback and response
Fear of failure is a lack of confidence, it teaches you that you will be allowed to have confidence in yourself in your potential and abilities, self-acceptance provides the biggest changes for the better, it all starts with self-acceptance!.
If you do not get the desired result from your mistakes look again closely at your needs. Nietzsche said that if you wish would come from you soon end up in hell. Your desires are often motivated by imitating others and what you see in movies and on TV, and it does not suit you, and may even harm you.
If your results are not good, you can also change your approach to obtain other and perhaps better results. Elke verandering is nog geen verbetering, maar elke verbetering is wel een verandering. It's all about mental flexibility, see the section about.
Good decisions arise caused by life experience and life experience due to errors and failures and wrong decisions so we learn how not to learn to find the right path.
Do not be a perfectionist, then you are still dissatisfied and ungrateful and have no peace and harmony…
Learn to use these words down: always, never, everybody, everything, to attempt, really hard and. My friend said Gerrit about difficult that tired-corpse, there is no life in.
As a child it was not possible immediately us to learn to walk, with anxiety, we would never learn and after 1 of 2 give up all attempts, As a child we are confident that we can learn and that makes us persevere and always get up when we fall until walking succeed..
So never give up, see the illustration below…
With anxiety, we see the difficulties in the opportunities and healthy vision to see opportunities in difficulties
When anxiety you think you can not, and Henry Ford said: "Those who think they can and they may be thinking both right!’
Exercise makes the master and the true master is masterful student and masterful student sees his mistakes as learning opportunities and challenges.
Often there is fear of failure because of the fear of debt, we want to feel guilty to a mistake, we think it affects our credibility and value, we do not like us and express our full and afraid to be spontaneous and genuine.
There are also people who are ashamed of their mistakes is a personal failure for them, the difference with debt is that debt says: "I made a mistake" and says shame: 'I am wrong', in shame wise yourself and pull yourself down and you can leave it to the demolition of us who like to do for you.
If I have a shelf 30 cm wide lay on the ground and I ask you to walk back on that you do this flawlessly because you know you can, when I go from one apartment same shelf 30 meter high place to another flat and I ask you about running around you have fear of failure, and it is likely that you failed.
Bron: Booklet: "On the value of your mistakes’ – Henny Bos (come early 2015 off at Publisher Book Bent)
Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)Pages
- ‘Hoe gaat het?’, over de menselijke conditie
- ‘Over de waarde van onze fouten’
- 1.Ontkenning van codependentie
- Adresgegevens
- Aforismen
- Aforismen over bewustzijn
- Afrekenen
- Anderenwaarde, over codependentie
- Anger management
- Artikel over codependentie in Paravisie
- Artikel over levenskunst
- Artikelen
- Attitudinal healing
- Attitudinal healing literatuur
- Audio bewustwording epiloog
- Audio bewustwording introductie
- Audio bewustwording verdieping
- Audio lezing codependentie LETS 13-10-2011
- Audio lezing levenskunst Loil 2011
- Basiskennis van codependentie deel 1
- Basiskennis van codependentie deel 2
- Bewustwording
- Bewustwordings tips
- Blog
- Boek: ‘Anderenwaarde, over codependentie
- Boeken
- Brochure: Controle & codependentie
- Brochure: Een introductie in codependentie
- CD codependentie Peter de Kock en Henny Bos interviewen elkaar
- CD gespreksgroep codependentie 18-12-2011
- CD interview paravisie over codependentie
- CD lezing codependentie 13-10-2011 voor de LETS
- CD lezing levenskunst in Loil
- CD lezing over codependentie
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- Codependente grappen
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- De Dramadriehoek
- De meester en de leerling
- De spelletjes die de mensen spelen
- De symptomen van codependentie
- De Waarheid zal je vrijmaken, maar eerst woedend maken!
- Defectcharme
- Drama driehoek
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- Dromen literatuurlijst
- Droom 16-10-2011
- Droom 22-12-2011
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- Een artikel over bewustzijn
- Een droom uit 2011
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- Folder codependentie
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- Geluk & Levenskunst
- Geluk 2
- Geluk 3
- Gespiegeld worden
- Helpaholics
- Het herkennen van een narcist
- Ho’oponopono
- Ho’oponopono – zero limits
- Hoe blind kunnen we zijn – artikel in Spiegelbeeld 2012
- Hoe blind kunnen we zijn?
- Hoe ga ik dromen?
- Hoe gaat het?
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- Hoe kom je van je codependentie af?!
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- Wabi sabi literatuur
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- Woedemotivatie & codependentie
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- Zelfcompassie & codependentie
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