

Lao tse the Chinese sage said; “Plan your whole days and there is no chance of life”. And what do the people do, and also your friends they fill their agendas and are busy with drama or a smile and a tear instead of essence.

You often have to plan an appointment long in advance. People don't always see the importance and great significance of taking time for Friendship. Yes with a capital letter!

I was also a Work-a-holic worked well 60 hours a week was next to my work as a manager, a university teacher and had a marketing agency so I didn't have much time for friends either. I didn't realize that when you're on your deathbed you won't wonder if you should have spent more time at work. Then the insight can come that family and friends are more important.

When people greet you, they often ask what are you doing! Like we are human doings, no we are human beings!

People sometimes ask me if I'm busy, to which I answer that I am not concerned but that I am active. I'm in the Flow, then everything goes by itself and I rise above myself and I am helped by the spiritual world. I often work at night then the heavens open.

Friendship in the present time is not always easy. People are busy making me think of the next cartoon: