Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DGT Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Dialectic is the thesis antithesis and synthesis. It is the golden mean of the Buddha. The loving reconciliation of the opposites. 24 hours is the synthesis of day and night. Our dark side is also important. Jung said we are not enlightened by imagining luminaries, but by becoming aware of our dark side!

Precisely through the opposites we get to know things. I learned joy when I experienced deep sorrow. The synthesis was happiness / art
DGT is mainly used in borderline and autism but in my opinion it is more widely applicable and usable.

The focus in DGT is mainly on:
-pain / sadness tolerance **, No pain, no gain
-emotional regulation / stress management
-interpersonal effectiveness

**The following poem by Nisargadatta illustrates this beautifully, here again the dialectic:
Between the banks of pain and pleasure, stroomt de rivier van het leven.
“Only when beaches think and feel 1 from the banks and not go with the flow, all misery arises ”.

Many people are stranded on the bank of pleasure, so there will be or there will be misery.
If you want fun, are you not having a good time and chances are that you are an enemy of yourself. DGT can also help here. In combination with CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

I am also a certified DGT and CBT coach / counselor

DGT says we 3 have minds:
-1- Rational / logical mind
-2- Emotional mind
-3- In my opinion, wisdom mind is also Love mind. Where there is wisdom, there is also love and vice versa!

Abraxas is the synthesis of the thesis that is the Christian God and the devil, Abraxas takes in those two opposites. Op 16 I read about Abraxas in Hesse and confronted the pastor with it, he didn't want to hear about it.

Love is the thesis, fear is the antithesis and the synthesis is unconditional love, Divine Love.

The Yin / Yang symbol is also the reconciliation of the opposites 1 symbol, with the addition that the light is always a bit dark and in the dark always some light. Betty Ford did a lot of shadow work, I also learned a lot from it.

DGT is the therapy of acceptance and not judgment. My aphorism is: "Acceptance is the key to transformation". So I recognized a lot in the course.