more love…

My good blog friend Peter de Kock( I got the tip to buy the book Rising of strong Brené Brown and reading, I am now begun and will immediately what about sharing, she writes:

I believe that vulnerability -the Willingness to show up and be seen with no guarantee of outcome- is the only path to more love, belonging and joy. And the downsite of it?: ‘You’re going to stumble, fall and get your ass kicked’

I agree with Brene, so it is, everything has its price, no pain, no gain…If you do not dare to stabbing your neck and you're not vulnerable dare to draw you keep up appearances, and you're not really, unauthentic



There are always people(especially the narcissists) who do their best to give your feeling that you feel wrong, dom bent, are cocky, inferior,, etcetera…They themselves are not in their feelings and now need others feel for them. They are also adept to make you angry because they can not handle their own anger and feel and because they displace their anger.

Maya Angelou has a beautiful poem about o.a. To feel that I leave, here in picture

Maya Angelou


Truth and love

Truth tells me that I am nothing and Love tells me that I am and everything in between my life flows – Nisargadatta

Waarheid, Love and God are all words for the same seen from a different angle – Alexander Smit

How much truth can a human being endure how much truth he ventures? – Nietzsche

What is your truth, and how does your love, I hear and experience the love!!


Yesterday was Thanksgiving, de dankbaarheidsdag, but we should be thankful every day, namely gratitude leads to happiness, you can not be unhappy if you are grateful.

It is even better to be in front all thankful, If you choose this option, you are God or the Universe already grateful before something happens and it demonstrates great confidence in the success. Wayne Dyer also had to believe first and then see and so is the.

The saying is: "Gratitude is a flower that blooms in little gardens’ and this is my life experience, many people take things for granted and are ungrateful

Would you come to a grateful attitude?. Bel 0314-343821 For more information and insights


Ik kan boeiende en interactieve lezingen houden(dus geen monologen) over de volgende onderwerpen:

-innerlijk kind
-levenskunst en geluk
-codependentie(van afhankelijkheid naar vrijheid)
-over de waarde van je fouten
-kwaliteit van denken
-van angst naar liefde
-u geschiede naar uw geloof
-bij je gevoel komen

Ik vraag reiskostenvergoeding en € 30,– per uur en toestemming om mijn boeken, brochures en CD’s aan te bieden.
Via Wetrans kunt u als vereniging of spirituele groep of stichting een proeve van bekwaamheid ontvangen

Bel: 0314 – 34 38 21 of 06 – 10 42 16 46 voor mee informatie