DVD met 6 korte lezingen over codependentie

Deze vlinder zal als afbeelding op de dvd hoes staan


In oktober of november 2011 will show a DVD which 6 you tube filmpjes komen te staan met lezingen over codependentie


Onderwerpen zijn:

-How I found out?

-Definities en vragen

-Het disfunctionele gezin en de codependente gevolgen

-Helpaholics, helpen/redden om je goed te kunnen voelen

-Controle & codependentie

-The Karpman Drama Triangle


De filmpjes duren 5 a 10 minutes

CD Peter de Kock en Henny Bos interviewen elkaar over codependentie

This image will be on the cover of the CD

The CD is ready, 50 minute conversation between Peter Kock and Henny Bos, both experts in the field of codependency.

Topics include o.a. how you discovered that you attract codependent and dysfunctional family, control and boundaries and roads to recovery.

Anger management

Eind 2011, begin 2012 zal een brochure of boek verschijnen met de titel ‘Woede-motivatie & codependentie’. The clutch is made with codependency for it has to do with the disfunktionele family where the codependent suits, where were violated its limits and he did not attention, erkenning, waardering en liefde kreeg waar hij zo’n behoefte aan had en er is dus vaak (onbewust) woede ontstaan die verdrongen moest worden, omdat daar geen ruimte voor is in een disfunktioneel gezin.

I have based on i.a.,,nl,Dealing with negative emotions,,nl

Gebruik is gemaakt van informatie van het internet en m’n eigen ervaring met woede-motivatie van 61 jaar en de bewustwording daarvan, het erkennen, helen en te boven komen daarvan.


Anger management for dummies – W. Doyle Gentry Ph.D.


Een mini-onderzoek naar hoe men reageert op het onderwerp woede-motivatie


Gesprekken met mensen die voldoende zelfreflectie hebben om hun eigen woede-motivatie te erkennen en zich daar bewust van te zijn en het dus te beheersen, die hun woede nu op een gezonde manier uiten en geleerd hebben van hun fouten.


Surprising Purpose Of Anger, Marshall Rosenberg (over geweldloze communicatie en gebruik maken van je woede om achter behoeften te komen)


Anger Management Best Practice Handbook

Jessalyn Woodruff


The gifts of imperfection -let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are

Brené Brown Ph.D.


Caring enough to confront – David Augsburger.


Anger Management, Peter Favaro


What’s Making You Angry?, Neill Gibson, Shari Klein & Shari Klein

Gratis folder over codependentie

In October 2011 Henny has published a leaflet about codependency. By US experts called codependency the human condition, because we all pretty much have a greater or lesser degree.

The leaflet asks questions, giving you a first indication of whether you think codependent, feel and / or act. Furthermore, a definition of codependency is given and there is an overview of the information about codependency that Henny has to offer in the form of a folder., cd’s, a DVD, brochures and books.

Attention has also been paid to the fact that we are often our own worst enemy, many statements about this by various authors are included in the folder, o.a. the statement of my friend Peter de Kock who said:"Codependency has been at war with yourself’

The brochure is available free of charge for serious interested parties on request and can be downloaded by clicking on: folder complete

Boek ‘Woedemotivatie & codependentie’

In preparation is a book about motivation and anger codependency. He will probably in 2012 out and about. 130 Counting pages.

Many interesting aphorisms will be a stand, and information on the causes of anger motivation that lie in the dysfunctional family, where your boundaries have been violated and you did not get the love you needed,nl, causing you to build anger that should not be shown and thus was repressed to your subconscious and that leads to anger motivation without us noticing. Furthermore, attention will be paid to solutions to achieve interdependence and love motivation as opposed to the anger / fear motivation.

The book requires an investment in yourself 20 euro + shipping costs.