Gespreksgroep codependentie thema controle


Doetinchem, zondag 5 February 2012 Henny Bos is organizing a talk about codependency with the theme 'Control'. To what extent do you want to keep control of everything or let you control others?.

The discussion group will start at 14uur and will to ca.. 16last hour. Admission is free and all participants will receive the brochure 'Control & codependency 'free and an information leaflet about codependency.

Reservations required, which can Henny Bos: 0314 – 34 38 21 of of

6 you tube filmpjes over codependentie

Per vandaag zijn er 6 korte filmpjes(4 until 8 minutes) over codependentie van me op you tube te vinden

The topics covered are:

-Questions and definitions

-How do you find your codependency

-the drama triangle

-the dysfunctional family


-controle en codependentie

Dit is de link:

Nee leren zeggen

Of codependents are known to have difficulty saying no. they feel guilty and inadequate and selfish and that does not feel good for them.

I invited a woman, which attract many codependent, for a talk about codependency, I'll call her Carla. Carla was enthusiastic and wanted to get desperate. she calls a night for the meeting really wonder because her son asked her to pass grandchildren and she dared to say no, she denied herself as an opportunity for a step toward healing 'r codependency, she found the needs of her son more important than her own need, Also typical for codependents.

I say sometimes yes when I mean no and have afterwards regretted. No can say means that you understand that a question not a question but a requirement if you can not say no.

Krishnamurti said lighting means you no to everywhere says. That is going too far a yes to things and people you help appears in your personal growth and development to me in place. In India kennen ze neti neti, this not, not that. Is a joke:"What do they call a codependent who can say no without feeling guilty?’ . Antwoord: 'Healthy?!"Deny yourself not say yes because you're afraid that people will be mad at you or will reject you if you say no. People who can not accept his no attention not worthy.

Just look at how far you no and yes you have had in your life.

I said 14 age no to the Reformed Church, because I found a deformed church with people who think they have the only true faith and only get to heaven, not my church so. It took me a long time to free myself from the Reformed ideas.

After my crisis, I said no to my wife and wanted a divorce, one of the best decisions of my life, a liberation was.

I said yes to the broker when I saw the house where I live now. I told the broker:"Now I'm going to say something stupid in your eyes and that is that I would have it for the asking price and no small risk that it breaks off and ignores my nose '. The energy in my house is very harmonious, peaceful and loving, each house has its energy if you are willing to feel that.


Bring your no's and yes's a look at a map and see if you would like to do it again, an interesting exercise.

Rollen in de TA en dramadriehoek


Uit de Transactionele analyse(TA) kennen we de rollen Ouder, Adult and Child, the rollers in each other are as follows:


PARENT: If you behave like your parents / guardians did.

ADULT: If you behave, think and feel in a way that suits the realities of the present and the person you are NOW, in accordance with the possibilities you have NOW. (This has however nothing to do with an adult: a child 6 can also assume the adult role).

KIND: If you behave, thinks and feels like when you were a child.

We usually frequent change of role, but there are also people who mainly play a particular role and / or exclude another role.

If A is in the role of parent and is focused on the child in B, B can not react as adult to adult A, but must itself or as a child or as a parent preparing to meet and to create report.


PARENT: FEEDING: worry, be- & encourage, watch out for the other. CRITICAL: prohibit, patronize, areas, check, overstelpen, slash, ignore, smaller, beleren. LIMITS: overschrijd de grenzen van anderen nogal eens

ADULT: POSITIVE: Record information, accept the situation, think logically, plan, realistic in the now, empatisch, loving. NEGATIVE: calculate, uninvolved, detached, void. LIMITS: healthy boundaries that can open and close as needed, flexible en dynamic

KIND: FREE: impulsive, spontaneous, creative, lerende capaciteit. NEGATIVE: claiming, egocentric, childish. OBEY of REBELS: docile / adjusted or oppositional (= As adjusted!).. LIMITS: has its limits not


(reactions from the rolls PARENT & KIND. The adult role does not participate here).


Sees the other as inferior and not okay.

Kleineert de other.

Is accusatory


Is evil without positive desire for change.

Violating the limits of the other

The prosecution says & thinks & feels example:

“Now I've got you…”

“You're doing it all wrong.

“If you / the world was different…”

“I have warned you….”

“If you do not do what I say….”

“To you I have nothing…”

“You're a bad partner / husband / father….”

“I want to get my gram…”

“You have done me vanalles”



Sees the other as inferior and not okay.

Responds by offering help from a superior position.

Sees the other as helpless.

Gives himself the right / duty to help (even without the other person helps itself).

Provides assistance that keeps dependent / make.

Overestimated themselves and underestimated the other.

Violating the limits of the other


The Saviour says & thinks & feels example:

“I'm trying to just help”

“Why do not you…”

“What you need to without me…”

“It is in your own interest”

“Let me do it”



Sees himself as inferior and not okay.

Complains without taking responsibility.

Keeps / makes them unnecessarily dependent.

Underestimate themselves and overestimated others.

Let violating its limits


Victim says & thinks & feels example:

“I do not know / can it not / do not get it….”

“It is so hard…”

“Poor me…”

“Yes but….”

“Shovel & lettuce & but insults, I deserve it…”

“You know how it all better than I”

“You're always so me on my neck”

“You always nag”

“I can never do it right”

“It's all up to me”



You feel you are a victim of everything around you. You often speak in terms of 'yes, but', "I happen to be so ',"I am the way it is busy ', "I can do nothing to do ' , ‘het komt door de kredietcrisis/de overheid/de ander’,etc. In short: Victims like to complain and often feel less than others. They also often feel resentful because their adaptive behavior does not produce the result they would like to see, they are self-effacing in hopes be rewarded and that does not work and this leads to resentment and anger


You fall another happy verbally with words and phrases like; 'You're so forgetful ", 'To you I have nothing', "I annoy me a lot of you ', "You can not even stop that whining" etc. Prosecutors drop others, always know better and often place themselves above others. The prosecutor says the other person what he or she should think, feeling and doing and wants to control the other.

Rescuers / helpers

You help others too numerous and too happy and you take your responsibilities that do not belong to you. You solve problems too happy to colleagues, find it hard to delegate and loves to harmony. Rescuers do not go like conflicts. Rescuers do not understand that if they never learn the other person to take responsibility for their lives, they are taking over the other and it is quite presumptuous and patronizing and arrogant and there lies so inferiority among, the shadow side of the Enneagram type helper is the feeling I'm not worth anything. They think they can derive their value from their helping behavior and try to take it so outside, where it is not to be found.

The trick is to get the subtlety to go see the roles in your work / life. This is only when you look very honestly at yourself and see that every day many times is in the drama triangle.

Here, too, is changed from time to time of roll.

For example:

Victim has at some point had enough of the Saviour or the Prosecutor. Then he / she can stand up and assume the role of prosecutor. The Saviour or prosecutor then takes often the role of victim to: “I'm trying to just help.” (formerly the Savior) of “What have I done so wrong?!” (formerly the Prosecutor).



Provide and / or ask for feedback and do want to influence a step back rather than the lives of others, command & check. Respect the limits of the other.

Tips for the SAVIOUR:

Help to tune the other by help the others and take responsibility for yourself instead. only for the other. And see that the other self must take its responsibilities and provide assistance only when prompted, and thus violating the borders of other non.

Tips for VICTIM:

Be realistic and responsible for your own life instead. merely pointing to the other. Pay more attention to your limits, Be assertive and respect your limits.

Bron: Espavo – Sylvia Slegers, met heel wat aanvullingen van mij. Dit artikel zal worden opgenomen in de brochure ‘Persoonlijke grenzen en codependentie’ dat in 2012 will appear





Drama driehoek

De dramadriehoek komt veel voor in codependentie en dan spelen we afwisselend de rollen van redder/helper en dan aanklager/vervolger en slachtoffer Ik heb daar zelf ook een ervaring mee opgedaan en lees daarover voor op de volgende geluidsopname van ca. 5 minutes, It is tragicomic

Karpman Drama Triangle (drama triangle,,af,The drama triangle is common in codependency and then we play alternating roles of savior / helper and then prosecutor / persecutor and victim that I also have experience with it and read about it for the next recording of ca,,nl,source,,nl,CD reading about codependency Henny Bos,,nl,savior Archives,,nl)

bron: CD lezing over codependentie Henny Bos