Announcement new book,nl

In april 2012 will my book "Other Value, over codependentie’ verschijnen. It is currently in production at Bent Book Publishing. Here the table of contents below to get an idea of ​​the content of ca. 200 pagina’s. The book will 21.50 euro will cost, There is a subscription price of 17,50 as you for 1-4-2012 to order the book at me




Characteristics of codependency

How did you discover your codependency?

Begrip & codependentie

Codependentie versus leren

Codependente wereld

Definitions of codependency

Codependency as a mirror of yourself

Codependentie & ego

Symptoms of codependency

The consequences of codependency

Het V-O-M-responspatroon

Controle & codependentie

Woede naar jezelf, be your own enemy

Peoplepleasers & codependentie

Dependent versus anti-dependent

Is aardig zijn codependentie?

Paravisie over codependentie (interview)

PRI en codependentie

Codependent games people play

Wat houdt je tegen?

Persoonlijke grenzen

Repressed anger

De codependente helper/redder

Criticism of codependency

Roads to Recovery

Robin Norwood

My codependency

Karpman Drama Triangle

Codependentie versus counterdependentie

How I found out my codependency


The four stages / phases


What roles we play t.o.v. our partner

Codependency in our music culture

Test codependentie

Hoe kom je van je codependentie af?

How do you give love to yourself?

Codependentie & the Inner Child

Some codependency jokes

Een artikel over bewustzijn

Of codependency to interdependence

Het herkennen van een narcist



codependency literature


Codependentie versus leren

In a codependent family you learn to protect yourself and protect against negativity coming your way, at that time is also necessary, but later works against you, because as long as you are you can not learn in the protective shielding and attitude and everything remains the same and you're afraid of the unknown, where only the known you can scare.

In fact, when you are not in a learning attitude you by definition is in a protective and defensive attitude, as many mensen.Meer is about to read the books of Jordan & Margaret Paul, which are particularly interesting and enlightening.

Het boek ‘Do I have to give up me, to be loved by you "of Paul's was one of the best books I've ever read Attn. codependentie

Anger management

Eind 2011, begin 2012 zal een brochure of boek verschijnen met de titel ‘Woede-motivatie & codependentie’. The clutch is made with codependency for it has to do with the disfunktionele family where the codependent suits, where were violated its limits and he did not attention, erkenning, waardering en liefde kreeg waar hij zo’n behoefte aan had en er is dus vaak (onbewust) woede ontstaan die verdrongen moest worden, omdat daar geen ruimte voor is in een disfunktioneel gezin.

I have based on i.a.,,nl,Dealing with negative emotions,,nl

Gebruik is gemaakt van informatie van het internet en m’n eigen ervaring met woede-motivatie van 61 jaar en de bewustwording daarvan, het erkennen, helen en te boven komen daarvan.


Anger management for dummies – W. Doyle Gentry Ph.D.


Een mini-onderzoek naar hoe men reageert op het onderwerp woede-motivatie


Gesprekken met mensen die voldoende zelfreflectie hebben om hun eigen woede-motivatie te erkennen en zich daar bewust van te zijn en het dus te beheersen, die hun woede nu op een gezonde manier uiten en geleerd hebben van hun fouten.


Surprising Purpose Of Anger, Marshall Rosenberg (over geweldloze communicatie en gebruik maken van je woede om achter behoeften te komen)


Anger Management Best Practice Handbook

Jessalyn Woodruff


The gifts of imperfection -let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are

Brené Brown Ph.D.


Caring enough to confront – David Augsburger.


Anger Management, Peter Favaro


What’s Making You Angry?, Neill Gibson, Shari Klein & Shari Klein

Boek ‘Woedemotivatie & codependentie’

In preparation is a book about motivation and anger codependency. He will probably in 2012 out and about. 130 Counting pages.

Many interesting aphorisms will be a stand, and information on the causes of anger motivation that lie in the dysfunctional family, where your boundaries have been violated and you did not get the love you needed,nl, causing you to build anger that should not be shown and thus was repressed to your subconscious and that leads to anger motivation without us noticing. Furthermore, attention will be paid to solutions to achieve interdependence and love motivation as opposed to the anger / fear motivation.

The book requires an investment in yourself 20 euro + shipping costs.