Enriching Insights cover

Boek: ‘Verrijkende Inzichten’


Verrijkende inzichten / Henny Bos

(Expand your consciousness by reading the stories in this book and take to heart and apply to your life, you're using now 5 until 10% you potentially make more of it)

Socrates zei: Improve yourself by reading the writings of others and you get easily where that others should do much trouble ', I think still very good advice that I like to follow.

I am now 66 years and still young at heart and heart, but over the years has become even wiser through my life experiences and the many books I not only read but also took to heart, I spent much of what is read into practice and integrated it into my life, It was therefore alive and dynamic. I listen to wise as Socrates and it provides me much.

You'll never be old enough to make all the mistakes yourself or to gain all the experience itself, they are offered to you on a silver platter in this book to enrich your life and then have to reach.

I wish you good reading- and learning fun

Doetinchem, June 2016, Henny Bos

2016 | ISBN 9789463280532 | Paperback | 502 pagina’s

Mail to: hennybos@xs4all.nl en bestel dit geweldige boek, als je het gelezene toepast in je leven ben je vrij en niet meer te kwetsen en beledigen en ontvang je antwoord op vele van je vragen.

Enkele items uit het boek zijn: ‘Als iemand niet aardig voor je is’, ‘Congruent’, ‘Frustratietolerantie’, ‘Fouten’, ‘Hurt people hurt’. ‘Ontkenning’, ‘Tantrisch denken’, etc. 210 items zitten er in dit boek

Hierbij een passage uit mijn boek:

Religie en spiritualiteit

Religie wordt wel opium voor het volk genoemd en daar zit wat in. In religie zijn mensen bezig met een leven na de dod, waarin ze hopen in de hemel te komen en ze vergeten te leven voor de dood. Ze denken aan een eeuwig leven terwijl ze niet eens weten wat ze op een regenachtige zondag moeten doen en zich vervelen. En als je je verveelt dan ben je vervelend

Ik ben opgegroeid in een gereformeerd gezin. De gereformeerden waanden zichzelf als zijnde de besten die in de hemel kwamen, ze keken neer op de katholieken, and socialists and communists were pagans who would go to hell. Mijn goede ervaringen met zowel de katholieken als de socialisten deed me er heel anders over denken. Op mijn 14e jaar vroeg ik een gesprek aan met de dominee en vertelde hem dat ik niks meer met zijn religie te maken wilde hebben…

Ik moest later in mijn leven door een hel gaan, de hel van depressie en depersonalisatie en paniek en grote angsten. Daardoor ontstond bij mij spiritualiteit. Spiritueel word je pas als je door een hel bent gegaan en wedergeboren bent. De Hindoes noemen dat de voor de tweede maal geborenen.

Indianen zeiden : ‘Jullie God is er alleen voor jullie religie, onze Grote Geest is er voor iedereen’ en dat laatste is een spirituele gedachte

‘Religion is for people who are afraid of going to hell, Spirituality is for those who have already been there’ – Vine Deloria, Sioux

Verrijkende inzichten

Enriching Insights cover


Verrijkende inzichten / Henny Bos

(Expand your consciousness by reading the stories in this book and take to heart and apply to your life, you're using now 5 until 10% you potentially make more of it)

Socrates zei: Improve yourself by reading the writings of others and you get easily where that others should do much trouble ', I think still very good advice that I like to follow.

I am now 66 years and still young at heart and heart, but over the years has become even wiser through my life experiences and the many books I not only read but also took to heart, I spent much of what is read into practice and integrated it into my life, It was therefore alive and dynamic. I listen to wise as Socrates and it provides me much.

You'll never be old enough to make all the mistakes yourself or to gain all the experience itself, they are offered to you on a silver platter in this book to enrich your life and then have to reach.

I wish you good reading- and learning fun

Doetinchem, June 2016, Henny Bos

2016 | ISBN 9789463280532 | Paperback | 502 page

Mail to: hennybos@xs4all.nl and order this great book that if you apply what is read in your life you are free and not have to hurt and insult to name but a few

Cover Enriching insights

Boek: ‘Verrijkende Inzichten’

Dit is de omslag van mijn nieuwe boek “Verrijkende inzichten”, verschijnt in juni 2016, 502 pagina’s met waardevolle informatie, de prijs is 30 euro, als u nu bestelt betaal ik de verzendkosten, mail naar: hennybos@xs4all.nl en bestel

Book Levensinspiraties discounted


Levensinspiraties is a thick book that normally 25 euro kost plus 3 EUR shipping, I offer it now to 20 Euros so with incl.verzendkosten 8 euro discount, Look at the store or email me hennybos@xs4all.nl

Let your inspiration from reading and take to heart the lyrics of this particular book with care, devotion and love is composed

Hoe win je het vertrouwen van je innerlijke kind?

-1-a- Allereerst is het belangrijk dat je je excuses aanbiedt voor het feit dat je je innerlijke kind zo lang hebt verwaarloosd en genegeerd, schrijf dat op met je dominante hand aan je innerlijke kind en vertel het dat je voor hem/haar zult zorgen en het lief zult hebben. Then answer on behalf of the inner child by writing what the child wants to say with your non-dominant hand..

-1-b- Express that you understand the distrust of your inner child and that it is shy and wary, say that you would have that feeling in his / her case and that from now on it will be different and better that you want to gain his / her trust, write that with your dominant hand and keep going until your inner child writes that it now trusts you again, and you always immerse yourself in the world of your inner child

-2- Make it clear that your inner child can ignore the harmful and burdensome rules of his / her parents and that you will make sure that the child is not punished or abandoned for what the child is afraid of, say that you are stronger than his / her parents and will take care of him / her and not abandon him / her..

-3- State what you have and that you are now independent, call your house, your car, bank account with debit card, credit card, money to buy candy and toys, that you can operate the TV yourself and have a radio and a computer, laptop, ipad, iphone, etc., that you can possibly take a pet, that you take responsibility for your own life, that you can do whatever you want. This will impress your inner child and build confidence.

-4- Indicate that you are connected to the Higher Power, your Higher Self, that you are safe and can count on divine blessing, help and support and that you put your inner child in that blessing etc.. let them share

-5- Tell your inner child that as a nurturing and loving parent you now want to look at history with him with accepting and loving eyes, that you see that everything served to bring you where you are now and that you have developed resilience through the difficulties and that you do not turn to resentment, but in gratitude, that you cannot change history, but the way you look at it…

-6- Tell your inner child that you will meet his needs and wants if it is good for growth and development, that you also learn that not everything is allowed and that you set limits. If your inner child wants to play, you give it space and you play. I play on singing bowls, indianentrommels, by kalimba, etc. and the child likes that. Painted again recently, that is also something of the inner child, so listen to what the child asks and says to you

Bron: Boek: "The Inner Child’ – Henny Bos (verschijnt medio 2016 Book published by Bent)