Wees echt!


In the journal "From heart to heart in August 2012 is the article "Be happy!’ van Ton Peters. He says: 'Ask of yourself to be happy'. Again a positivo coach who wants the light only and choose the day and rejects the dark of night. He prefers to be happy above really are your peaks and valleys that are normally.

He talks about the inner self with a capital which of course is superior to the self with a small letter which again is so afkeurd. Ton calls to repeat the mantra "be happy" and gives some other tips to help you quickly realize your luck(-). He says it gekunseld and unreal can happen, but only in the beginning. Ton represents the very simple, so simple that you may wonder why everyone is not all happy.

I know a man who also bandied says he is so happy, I've already told him why he did not tell that to his face. I suspect him of reaction-formation or in exaggerated form to show the opposite of what has…

I think the value ton of unhappy feelings like anger, grief, depressie, angst, etc. not want to see, thus throwing the baby out with the bathwater. If you are depressed and you follow Ton's advice and do you say to yourself "Be happy," then you get no value out of your depression you with your Higher Self can bring, then you deny that there NOW and do you want something else..

Moreover Ton talks about requirements, I believe that the Higher Self does not demand but accept what is there and the biggest transformations arise. You can say: 'I am depressed, but despite that I love myself "and" My depression can further help me on my path to self-knowledge, self-understanding and self-consciousness' I say that because I have known a severe depression and am thankful that I did not pushed by gay or do happy doing or distractions, but I entered and did much.

Ton is a bit like the two men who called themselves 'No shade', they had no shade and saw nothing but positive so they said, they performed for a talent show and the criticism of the jury was not good, their "happiness and positivity was instantly she disappeared reacted negatively and frustrated and angry, a reporter asked yet where their positivity was now, that reporter was angry at the side printed with "No shade '. They took their loss Heef unsporting and saw it as a learning opportunity. I do not believe in people like Ton Peters who always want to be happy, and even demand. Jung gods of: "We are not illuminated by proposing our light figures but we are aware of our dark side '.

Ton wants to be happy now, and demands that, provide a tyrant giving advice rather than information. The Buddha said,: "Happiness comes when your work and words of benefit to yourself and to others'. The Ton words do not come very beneficial to himself as demanding and I do not do to others. Lao tse zei: "Beautiful words are often not true and true words are often not pretty '.

Happiness is in my opinion not directly accessible but a byproduct of consciousness and self-knowledge and that range often through many difficulties and setbacks over, er is geen quick fix. Johannes Tauler zei: "The pains of the crisis are the contractions of God's birth in you" and as I have experienced it. ‘No pain, no gain’.

The most beautiful, most amiable people are not the ones who have always been happy, but those difficulties, setbacks and misfortune have known and those things empathy, gratitude and love learned. ‘Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls’ zei Edwin Chapin. The most successful and truly happy people are those who have overcome most of the setbacks and failures and still do.

During a lecture I held for the Theosophical Society, where about 30 people were present, there was 1 woman who was brought up happy, she said. When I broached the subject of anger, showed that precisely this woman held the rage(!). She had become very demanding because she had always been her and never had been a counter, she had not learned to deal with rejections and setbacks, she always wanted her to be driving by and that did not work and then they got angry(in order to manipulate).

We do not learn from our successes but our difficulties and mistakes and therefore we often evade and deny that we make mistakes.

Why do not you like me?

Many people try to change the other person in their image, They play God, who also created humans in His image and likeness. They do not realize that if you want to make enemies, you should try to change the other.

An American actress said: "Women change their partner as long, until they no longer need him ', It is tragicomic.

John is a vegetarian and believes everyone should stop eating meat, he finds it cruel and stupid to eat meat, then come with all sorts of arguments to prove equal.

Annemieke is the blue button and does her best to get her partners Drink, thus they do not they always chases the door and wondered why she always attracts men who drink heavily, or sometimes to say something about her subconscious…

The pacifist says: "I am a pacifist and anyone who disagrees with me, I turn to his head .."

A woman who themselves deliberately, wise and sees spiritually, was vegetarian and did not drink and did not smoke. She fell in love with a man who was a meat eater drank and smoked and was a tough motorcycling rocker. She did her best to change it for her ideal image, when her that did not work she made it out. Her partner said:"I love you unconditionally for who you are and accept you completely and will wait for you until you go see what it's worth '. She thought about his words and understood then that she had not been the wise teacher, that it had given conditional love, that her partner had showed her what unconditional love and so was her teacher and she made it back in, and they were very happy.

I know a man who always tinkered with his friends to make them change and do not change, if they (thereby) then accounted he always gave others the blame, He saw himself as a loving and pure and was not open to self-reflection and projecting his unconscious misery on his friends who he accused, So he learned nothing from. In 5 years he wore as dozens of friends and yet he drew no conclusions from it to his own behavior!.

You can only change yourself and eventually grow and develop. Gandhi zei:’Wees zelf de verandering die je in de wereld wilt zien’

I called my friend Peter de Kock to thank him for the inspiration he gave me, including the idea to write this article. I told him I 'Why do not you get the way I had written and he said very nice: "You should do long, because we are all equal and there is no longer a problem!’. I thought it was funny.

In ho'oponopono they also keep it to himself, by changing itself shows that also change the clients, very special is that. It is also my experience that if you change, your whole world around you completely changes. people who treated you badly disappear from your life or treat you well now, quite striking that, crafty.

Quote Kahlil Gibran

” If you want to understand a person's heart and mind, don't look at what he has already achieved, but what he strives for.”

Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), Lebanese American writer and poet


Nisargadatta zei:’Het grootste cadeau dat je aan de wereld kunt geven is een eind maken aan je onwetendheid, daarna hoef je niets meer te doen’ Socrates zei op het moment van z’n verlichting:’Nu weet ik dat ik niets weet’

Na m’n crisis in 1992 ontdekte ik ook dat ik onwetend was, waar ik voor die tijd altijd had gedacht het weten te hebben. Het bleek precies omgekeerd te zijn!

Zij die weten dat ze niets weten kunnen tot het ware weten komen. Zij die denken het weten te hebben sluiten zich af voor informatie en inzichten want ze weten immers al!

Hoe meer je vordert op je pad en hoe meer je leert en, wat belangrijker is, afleert…., hoe meer je erachter komt dat je onwetend bent en dus mag onderzoeken.

Ik heb veel onderzocht en uiteindelijk ben ik terecht gekomen bij het pad van de bodhisattva, bij liefde en mededogen en probeer dat zoveel mogelijk in m’n leven te manifesteren.

Ik heb nog wel wat moeite met mensen die denken het weten te hebben en je gaan vertellen wat je moet denken, voelen en doen en met ongevraagde adviezen komen. Het zijn de betweters met een arrogante en aanmatigende houding. Ik moet nog leren inzien dat ook deze mensen gelukkig willen zijn en op hun manier een beroep doen op liefde en waardering.

De dwaas zal onmiddellijk klaar staan om je te onderwijzen en je te adviseren. De wijze is heel wat schroomvalliger en zal je vragen stellen om je zelf antwoorden te laten vinden en een wetende te worden.

Ik was onwetend over het feit dat ik goddelijk ben, een kind van God, naar Zijn evenbeeld geschapen. Jezus zei dat we hetzelfde als Hem kunnen doen en zelfs nog meer….

Ik realiseer me nu dat alles goddelijk is en met elkaar verbonden en dat niets toevallig is en dat alles een bedoeling heeft en nodig is om je tot zelfkennis en zelfinzicht te brengen en tot wetendheid.

Een vrouw had haar man verloren, hij was overleden en ze wilde nu graag weten hoe het met hem ging. Ze ging naar een boeddhist en die zei:’Het gaat heel goed met hem hij is nu bij de Boeddha ik heb het gezien’. Even later kwam ze een christen tegen en die zei:’Het gaat goed met je man hij is nu bij Jezus’ Ze raakte van streek van deze tegenstrijdige antwoorden en kwam een wijze tegen die haar wees op haar eigen gevoel dat ze daar bij moest blijven, dat de waarheden van anderen nog geen waarheden voor haar hoeven te zijn. De Boeddha zei ook dat je hem niet op z’n woorden moest geloven maar het zelf moest ervaren en dat je dan weet.

Als je afgaat op de ‘wetendheid’ van anderen papagaai je alleen maar na, dat is geleende kennis en geen wetendheid. Wetendheid en onwetendheid kunnen ook samengaan. De verstrooide professor is daar een voorbeeld van. Hij is wetend op z’n vakgebied maar vaak onwetend op sociaal gebied, een sociaal debiel. Lao tse zei:’Wijzen zijn niet geleerd en geleerden zijn niet wijs’ Door alle geleende kennis af te leren kun je een wijze worden en tot wetendheid komen.

Bron: Boek ‘Ervaringen van levenskunst’ – Henny Bos – uitgeverij Boekenbent



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