FREE coaching Inner child

I offer you a half-hour free coaching / consulting over your inner child. Often that was hurt and we believe that such a traumatic experience that we will never be hurt and the Inner child have put in a basement. There it is indeed safe, but also chilly and cold and without love and then avenges the child. It'll go boycott, thwart, if not sabotage it may partake in your life. We are sick and things go wrong and runs counter and we do not know why, therefore so.

Go to a peaceful and harmonious and happy life together with your inner child, where you know the existence of now may not even, in the half hour I make you aware of your inner child and that is the first step toward liberation, call me for an appointment for a personal or telephone consultation 0314-343821. If you want to know my vision for coaching look at Coaching

Veel mensen en wellicht jij ook leven alleen vanuit hun Ouder en Volwassene uit de Transactionele Analyse en hebben een afgescheiden kind, dat uit zich o.a. in serieusheid, ernst, weinig spontaniteit, niet veel humor, vaak tegenslag, een wat grijs en saai leven( Is that all there is?!!), middelmatigheid, het niet benutten van je potentieel, niet erg creatief zijn, etc. etc. Herkendbaar?. Neem dan NU aktie en bel 0314-343821 of 06-10421646, het is gratis dus je hebt niets te verliezen!

Werkt de Law of attraction niet voor je, de kans is groot dat je Innerlijke kind je saboteert, of dat andere subpersonen in je dat doen, je bent dan niet ‘clear’, niet congruent, niet uit één stuk, maar verdeeld, word dus een eenheid, compleet en een levenskunstenaar, lees daarover mijn boek ‘Geluk & Levenskunst’ zie de winkel

Truth and love

Truth tells me that I am nothing and Love tells me that I am and everything in between my life flows – Nisargadatta

Waarheid, Love and God are all words for the same seen from a different angle – Alexander Smit

How much truth can a human being endure how much truth he ventures? – Nietzsche

What is your truth, and how does your love, I hear and experience the love!!

Ben je verlegen?

I was also very shy and used to blush a lot when I got attention or had to give a talk, it had to do with my low self esteem and codependency, maar dat wist ik toen nog niet. I didn't do anything about it until I was 35. I was in the library and looked at the esoteric books and a book was sticking out, I looked at it and it was the book "Are you shy?’, I initially did not dare to borrow that book, but I tensed myself and read it and learned a lot from it.

My self-esteem grew and when I later discovered my codependency it became a spiritual self-esteem and I felt no more but no less than another, often we don't know that there is codependency behind our misery and setbacks, meer weten bel 0314-343821 for good coaching, see also coaching + for my vision on coaching

No longer settle for mediocrity and let it go its course, but make it special and come to the art of living, see also in the shop my book about Happiness and art of living.


Yesterday was Thanksgiving, de dankbaarheidsdag, but we should be thankful every day, namely gratitude leads to happiness, you can not be unhappy if you are grateful.

It is even better to be in front all thankful, If you choose this option, you are God or the Universe already grateful before something happens and it demonstrates great confidence in the success. Wayne Dyer also had to believe first and then see and so is the.

The saying is: "Gratitude is a flower that blooms in little gardens’ and this is my life experience, many people take things for granted and are ungrateful

Would you come to a grateful attitude?. Bel 0314-343821 For more information and insights

Do not like surprises?

If you do not like surprises, chances are you are a control freak and want to keep everything under control and you want to master. And that you have hate when things go differently than you had planned or expected. Then it's time you got my pamphlet: 'Control en codependentie’ Before Reading, The brochure is for sale in my shop, the brochure also includes a control freak test and recommendations to come out of your control and to be freed

Anything you want to check because checks you, rather than master, you are a victim of your circumstances and that you can make change, if you do not change you going to increasingly lag behind the life and the world and reality, see my drawing

Jij en het leven