
February 2020 I completed a comprehensive course and Ho'oponopono 5 studied books about ho'oponopono. It is very similar to my ideas, I shall be expressed in the book Mirrored, the end 2020 opens. is the subtitle of that book: Je omgeving is de spiegel van jezelf! I write that as you change, je […]

Confucius quotes

Confucius quotes When you see a good man, remember how thou him to imitate; if you see a bad man, research your own heart. The mind of the superior man is conversant with righteousness; the mind of the average person is familiar with Revenue.

Yin en Yang

Yin and Yang What aspect controls your life Yin or Yang, female or male, or intuition or action, anima of animus, feeling or thinking? Carl Gustav Jung coined the anima, or the feminine qualities in the man, and the animus or male qualities in women. […]

Taoist farmer

The Taoist farmer There was once a poor farmer, He had only one son and an old horse. One day the old horse runs away, and his neighbors come to pay their respects: "What horrible you were already so poor and now your horse is still out" To the surprise of the neighbors says […]


Co creation

Co-creation When you let go of control and arguing with things and people, You can reach gratitude and appreciation and that is respect and acceptance and feel the connection to everyone and everything. Then the universe will bless you, help and support. Then miracles can happen and you come […]