/by Henny BosIn m’n leven laat ik me door vrijwel alles inspireren. De belangrijkste inspiratie komt van de vele boeken die ik lees en van m’n vrienden en kennissen. Ook media als de radio, tv, twitter, kunstuitingen kunnen me inspireren. De wijze leert van iedereen, de gemiddelde mens leert door schade en schande en de domme mens […]
Aardig doen als alternatief voor eerlijk zijn..
/by Henny BosMy experience is that most people do like to want to be liked, you could call a codependent draw. They are nice instead of honest. I read the good book "Caring enough to confront". Geven we genoeg om de ander om hem te confronteren met z’n destructieve gedrag met het […]
Boek: ‘Anderenwaarde, over codependentie’
/by Henny BosAt the beginning of April my book 'Anderenwaarde' will, over codependentie’ verschijnen. Hardcover met 166 pages of valuable information, very recognizable to most of us. If you for 15-4 order you will receive it for 20 euros incl. 2.50 shipping costs. Normal price is 21,50 excl. shipping costs.
/2 Comments/by Henny BosOf the 10 messages we received in our youth were 9 negative and that has an effect on our self-esteem. There are two extreme reactions: inferiority or superiority / arrogance, and they're both pathologically it should be done. Schiller gods:’Je eigenwaarde dat bepaal je zelf’ maar velen onder ons hebben in […]
Gratis download folder codependentie
/by Henny BosHere is the link to the pdf of the folder about codependency, with a lot of attention to the fact that you are often your own enemy without realizing it. folder codependentie
/by Henny BosThe greetings can be both positive and negative. When I was little my niece Ineke Bartelink liked to say to me: ‘You must have my regards!’ and when I asked who she said smiling: ‘From Little Cock Rosewater’, what a joy she had. Als ik iemand bel die […]