pdf interview Paravisie

I came up with the idea of ​​requesting a PDF of an article in Paravisie. It concerns an interview by Yvonne Polman with me about codependency. A CD of this interview has also been released, which is distributed with Yvonne's permission. The recording takes a long time 1 uur en geeft nog heel wat meer informatie […]

get out of your comfort

The greatest enemy of your human potential is your comfort zone… You can only achieve the art of living and happiness if you are willing to step out of your comfort zone, what you're attached to because it's so familiar, you often hold on to it even though it's not that great. you think: "I know what I […]

I want them to like me

Wanting to be liked causes a lot of problems and misery. If you think you need to, you will play the other person with behavior that should ensure that the other person will like you, to appease and flatter the other, you then play a role and are no longer yourself […]

Why do not you like me?

Many people try to change the other person in their image, They play God, who also created humans in His image and likeness. They do not realize that if you want to make enemies, you should try to change the other. An American actress said: "Women change their partner as long, until she sees him […]

What comes into you,nl?!

My experience is that many people are hurt during their upbringing(75% of families are dysfunctional) and then decided not to be hurt anymore and set high limits. They then get into the protective and defensive attitude in which you are no longer really open to let things come in and not really […]

The law of abundance and happiness

The cornucopia…. If you say: "Can I catch smoothing ', then the Universe also says "Can I catch smoothness you" and take away from you and you pay the price. However, if you say: "I want to give and share" says the universe: "I will give you and share with you" and you will […]