/by Henny BosAlmost everyone wants happiness in his life, To be happy. But the more we pursue the further the happiness itself away from us. We will have to achieve a good balance between sense and sensibility, self-knowledge and self-understanding in order to find happiness. Good luck ass to the prepared mind. Er was eens een […]
The will
/by Henny BosHere a pdf about 'the will', met de diverse invalshoeken over het al of niet bestaan van een vrije wil Het artikel ‘de wil’ will be included in the book 'Life Inspirations'’ from me that in august 2012 will be published at Uitgeverij Boekenbent and ca. 250 a 300 pagina’s zal bevatten over onderwerpen die bijdragen aan […]
Problem-Goal-Means analysis
/by Henny BosI have always benefited greatly from the Problem-Goal-Means analysis, when it came to business things, Below is an example form that you can copy on a large sheet of paper to gain a good insight into your problems and to gain an overview and to be able to make a summary and draw conclusions..
Nothing human is strange you
/by Henny BosIf you accept yourself completely, with all your shadow sides, your negative aspects, are you whole and complete and are you everything and are you an artist of life. Knowing that nothing human is alien to you is liberating. You won't be offended so easily, because you know that everything can suit you. Vaak hebben we […]
frog stories
/by Henny BosThe depicted above, meditating frog gift I received from my dear friend Elly, I find him very funny and also a great idea to joke about meditation, to make it not too heavy and too serious. Hier wat verhalen over kikkers en hun bewustzijn Osho overtelde het mooie verhaal over de poelkikker […]
/by Henny BosDe vele sub-persoonlijkheden in ons hoofd… De afhankelijkheid kan ook intradependentie zijn, waarin je afhankelijk bent van je denken, voelen en doen in plaats van er de baas over te zijn, je hebt het dan nooit eens stil in je hoofd en hart, er is geen harmonie en geen congruentie waarin denken, feel and act […]