3 types of people
/by Henny BosNever forget: 3 types of people in your life: 1-who helped You in your difficult times 2-who left You in your difficult times 3-who put You in difficult times
The self-realized person
/by Henny BosDe stadia van bewustzijn en denken van de gerealiseerde mens heb ik in kaart gebracht zonder te pretenderen dat het compleet is. Je kunt checken in welke mate je op de goede weg bent. Wayne Dyer asked Maslow: "What distinguishes the self-realized man the average man?!"Maslow said that three things are: […]
How are shadow side was mirrored, without his being aware of was….
/by Henny BosOne man told me that he always annoyed by the fact that earlier home a good conversation had to be aborted because the mother with food arrived, He felt terrible and I told him everything we annoy us or what irritates us is an aspect of ourselves, he wanted […]
Boss vs Leader
/by Henny BosBoss vs Leader The boss does things right and the leader does the right things, The boss recommends and the leader sets the example, see schedule: The boss is in the I-phase and the leader goes to the WE-phase. Jung recommends that to the I-phase to phase we too […]
Better communication is less stress!
/by Henny BosHow often do you shoot a (bright) to give a response reaction in place of? Name a common man mean and he will shoot in a common reaction and lash out at you and fix you right. Noem een ontwaakte mens gemeen en hij zal een respons geven en lachen en zeggen dat hij inderdaad wel […]
/by Henny BosBetter watch your words you speak, they tend to materialize, even the words you speak to yourself your "self-talk", when we say that we are the universe will have bad luck make sure that happens!! Words even affect your genes and DNA!!. Als je mijn artikel over […]