Entries by Henny Bos

Geraakt worden

Ans vertelde me dat zo door muziek en/of films zo geraakt kan worden dat tranen gaan stromen, ik herkende dat heb dat ook en dan stroomt je gevoel en sta je open om je te laten raken en beroeren en ontroeren. Because of upbringing and experience, many people are quite inhibited and afraid to […]

De calciet

I regularly buy gemstone globes and looked beautiful on the internet there was in it was a ijslandsveldspaatcalciet. When I'm receiving, I felt however that it was not right, I could not argue the, it was a feeling, I went looking in my stone book and saw a stone that was exactly mine and it […]

Praatje met de cassière

De cassière zei: ‘Ik heb zo’n jeuk’, waarop ik zei:’ Dan moet je krabsalade nemen’. Ze snapte de grap niet en zei: ‘moet ik dat er dan opsmeren’, een andere cassière lachte wel en zei:’Nee dombo, het is een grapje van die meneer, krab – salade

Begrip & codependentie

Inayat Khan zei: "To understand everything, to love everything," so point out the great importance of understanding. Understand the fact that the other is thinking, feels and acts in a way, which he thinks is best for him at the moment. The understanding that most people's intentions often […]

Codependentie & ego

The bigger your ego, the smaller your world One of the definitions of codependency concerns the ego and says that you act codependent when you are guided by your ego and/or others. My ego still plays tricks on me and is not yet ready to surrender. You do it, there on the […]