Entries by Henny Bos

fury 2

Codependents often repressed anger in them, who also can turn against themselves by gossip and a relentless inner critic that you say that you are not okay, are not good enough are a failure, etc.etc. De woede is verdrongen omdat we in het disfunctionele gezin onze gevoelens niet mochten uiten en de negatieve […]

Gedichtje van Nietzsche

I am finding more than enough,,nl,I have since learned to find,,nl,Since I wind once tegenhad,,nl,I sail with the winds,,nl,This poem tells a lot about my life and appeals to me,,nl, sindsdien heb ik geleerd te vinden. Ever since I had a headwind, zeil ik met alle winden Friedrich Nietzsche

Wat houdt je tegen?

Wat houdt je tegen? (What limits you throw yourself on?) Think back to your childhood. you done any of these things? -1-You asked a question in class and everyone laughed. It meant that you were very reluctant to ask questions, because you did not want the others you would find stupid. […]

Het verhaal van Andrea

Nancy Groom writes in her book "From bondage to bonding, escaping codependency’ over ene Andrea, who grew up in a dysfunctional family and already 10 age had to care for family members, as they learned that there can be only if you help. Het is niet verwonderlijk dat ze er haar beroep van maakte […]

Codependency quote

‘It’s no fun living with someone who doesn’t like you,,en,especially when that someone is you,,en,Nancy Groom in ‘From Bondage to Bonding,,en,quotes,,en,Poem by Nietzsche,,nl,Wisdom Schopenhauer,,nl, especially when that someone is you’ – Nancy Groom in ‘From Bondage to Bonding, escaping codependency’