Entries by Henny Bos

How I found out my codependency?

In 2007 I took a course from the Civas, namely counseling specialization. It had two lessons about codependency and when I learned those I saw codependency in pretty much everyone around me. Ik schreef toen het boek ‘Gespiegeld worden’ met als ondertitel ‘Je omgeving is de spiegel van jezelf’ en besefte dat wat […]

Sterven om te leven

Om te leven moet je weten wat sterven is. Gandhi zei: "When the ego dies the soul awakens’ Goethe zei ‘Stirb uns werde’. Truths which I realized only after a major crisis with NDE(Bijna Dood Ervaring), I learned to value life more and became a grateful person to Our Lord every time […]

Gevoelens & waarheid

There are those who argue that feelings tell the truth, but I think and feel yet more nuanced about. Feelings can tell the truth but also lie. Consider feelings of inferiority. If you have those feelings does that also mean that you are inferior? I do not think so. The truth is ahead […]

Wijsheid van Schopenhauer

Century after century the wise have always said the same thing and century after century the people have always said the same thing, namelijk het tegengestelde, done Schopenhauer