Entries by Henny Bos

Introductie in codependentie

Als je je verhaal over je codependentie of afhankelijkheid met me wilt delen beloon ik dat met een gratis brochure over codependentie namelijk ‘Een introductie in codependentie’ ter waarde van 10 Euro Plus 2 euro verzendkosten die ik ook voor je betaal, leuk idee om zo beloond te worden voor je delen? Je mag me […]

Think quality

I in October 2015 a lecture for the Theosophical Society lodge Arnhem held over the quality of thinking there is a CD made from over 1 hours recording(See my shop), I am now writing a book which has the working title: "Stages of consciousness and thinking’ en wie weet heeft u daar […]


I am still far from narcissism, people who find themselves incredibly well and find the other error, people who can not handle criticism and praised want to be, people who see you as an extension of themselves, I will pick it up somehow and can liberate me from, ik ga me in narcisme […]

Watch more on what people do rather than what they say!!

People have said many things to me, but showed their deeds that they did not mean what they said and did not say what they thought, which you often see on codependency.. Many people called me gifted and wise, maar stelden mij geen enkele vraag en als ik de mensen die zeiden dat ze me […]

CD gespreksgroep over controle

The CD with over 1 Recording an hour the talk about controlling and controlled is out, look in the shop, only 7 euro valuable information with humor!