Entries by Henny Bos

Insult and ego

If you feel easily offended are you sure that your ego is still the boss, because your true self can not be offended because it is complete, nothing human is alien to him also not negative. Als iemand mij een klootzak zou noemen dan zeg ik dank je wel en dat ik inderdaad […]

PRI (Past Reality Integration) en het innerlijke kind

PRI at all about the pain of the past(innerlijk kind) which is felt and triggered by something happening now. The here-and-now is the mirror of what we have experienced as a child without us understand that without us being aware of it. The response we give is a defense,nl […]

Sterven om te leven.

Om te leven moet je weten wat sterven is. Gandhi zei: "When the ego dies the soul awakens’ en Goethe zei 'Die us going'. Truths which I realized only after a major crisis with NDE(Bijna Dood Ervaring), I learned to appreciate life more by value and was a grateful man Onze Lieve […]

The self-realized person

  Wayne Dyer asked Maslow: "What distinguishes the self-realized man the average man?!"Maslow said that three things are:   -1- regardless of the opinion / approval of others -2- no adhesion to the outcome -3- no investment in control and power over others