Entries by Henny Bos

Insults and hurts,nl

As long as you are'm insult and hurt you are the slave of your ego and not the master of your destiny,,nl,Your ego makes you wise it goes well with you and you do not need help and ignores you most need namely self-realization,,nl,Sometimes you have moments where you think there should be more than it is now and that are equally bright moments listen to it and take action now by example,,nl,call and you free from the domination of your ego or your false self,,nl,dare to be real,,nl. Je ego maakt je wijs dat het goed met je gaat en je geen hulp nodig hebt en gaat voorbij aan je hoogste behoefte namelijk zelfrealisatie. Soms heb je momenten waarin […]


Zonder volharding bereik je niks, het vereist zelf-discipline en doorzettingsvermogen Edison had 2000 pogingen nodig om de gloeilamp uit te vinden hij ging door en volhardde ondanks de opmerkingen van wetenschappers dat het niet mogelijk was Als je jezelf denkt te kennen ken je jeZelf totaal niet want dat is oneindig Je moet ook volharden […]


The Buddha said,:"You are the result of what you've always imagined,,nl,Everything starts with a thought and thoughts tend to materialize,,nl,Watch your thoughts because your words are,,nl,watch your words because you are deeds,,nl,Watch your actions because your habits become,,nl,Watch your habits, for they build character,,nl,Watch your character for it becomes your destiny,,nl,Upanishaden,,en,Talmud,,af,Jung said until you make unconscious conscious the unconscious will direct your life and you will call it your destiny,,nl’ Alles begint met een gedachte en je gedachten hebben de neiging zich te materialiseren. Let op je gedachten want het worden je woorden, let op je woorden want het worden je daden, let op je daden want het worden je gewoontes, let op […]

Gaat het zijn gangetje

Is there anything special in your life and will be pace then you live a mediocre life,,nl,Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living,,nl,Give you a six-you for your quality of life or,,nl,then it does not,,nl,Why do not you let me receive coaching by the book Happiness after the third session,,nl,Life gift and you can become a living artist and master of your destiny,,nl,Call now,,nl,Is it business as usual,,nl. Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living Give you for your quality of life or a 6-je,,nl,then keeps it not if you get through me now let your coach after the,,nl,Look at codependentie-netwerk.ning.com free membership & nbsp;,,nl,in my opinion a big mistake in the TA we know Parent-Adult and Child,,nl,many of us separated that child and that child is locked in a basement and remains deprived of attention and love the inner child wants,,nl 7 dan houdt het niet over Als je je nu laat coachen door mij ontvang je na de […]