Entries by Henny Bos

Two hands

Two hands…. An old woman comes to the doctor and says: I have one hand full of complaints. Let me name them? Let's hear it, said the doctor. The first finger is my lost parents. The second is my physical complaints. The third finger, that there is so little I can do anymore. The fourth, that […]

Anxiety and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

Fear and EFT The fear response is controlled by the amygdala and can be healed through EFT. EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique. How does EFT work You tap with your index finger possibly plus your middle finger on the following places: -0- karate kick to the side of your hand -1- inside eyebrow -2- outside eye -3- under the eye […]


Communication Many problems arise due to errors in communication it is then crooked communication ignorant and unconscious we say things that hurt others and we alienate people from us. The following article by Aivanhov gives a good example “Always speak with consideration for the welfare of others – “How often do people speak without thinking […]

Pay attention to what's wrong

With the best of intentions, we often pay attention to what is wrong in our partner, namely with the intention of correcting that error. It's really counterproductive and causes problems. If you want to change your partner or friend you make an enemy of him or her. Alles wat je aandacht geeft dat groeit […]

I have everything but feel empty

I had that feeling just before my crisis and maybe you have this feeling too. Materially it's okay but I don't feel satisfaction no meaning. Einstein zei: “Don't be a person of success, but a person of significance”. On this site you will find information to gain more insight and meaning. Look […]