He / she reflects you really

He / she sees the real reasons behind your outer behavior and understanding and thus love you, trust him or her:

He / she sees / perceives:

Je zorgen en verdriet achter je glimlach

De woede achter je overdreven vriendelijkheid

De liefde achter je woede en boosheid

De reden van je zwijgen

De zelfkritiek achter je kritiek

De behoefte aan waardering en erkenning achter je grote hulpvaardigheid

De positieve intentie achter je verwijten en beschuldigingen

De onzekerheid en twijfel achter je ‘zekerheid’

De behoefte aan aandacht als je teveel praat

De verborgen pijn van de afwijzingen en negatieve commentaren uit je jeugd

Je eenzaamheid die je probeert te verhullen door je drukke bestaan

De onwetendheid en onbewustheid achter slechte daden

Je angst die je van de liefde afhoudt, terwijl je verlangt naar liefde

Achter je stoerheid de verborgen kwetsbaarheid en zachtheid

Achter je harde werken de niet vervulde behoefte aan waardering en erkenning

Achter je spiritualiteit het verlangen om gezien te worden en geliefd te worden

Dat je perfectionisme en drang om te presteren, voortkomt uit afkeuring en grote eisen, die aan je gesteld werden, en gebrek aan liefde uit je kindertijd

Bron: book The drama of being mirrored, verschijnt voorjaar 2019 Book published by Bent

The Law of attraction


If you do not cooperate subconscious and your sub-personalities to meet your needs, then nothing happens how much you want. You often want what you do not and alerts your subconscious thereon, which ensures that you will not have it.

You will have to ensure that you are 'clear' or congruent one-piece. you think, voelen, handelen, Zijn, subconscious and subpersonalities must agree then the law of attraction will only work.

And be careful with what you want, because it can become a reality and Nietzsche said that we, if our wishes come true, soon in a living hell(-). Not for nothing the way Mencius said he will give less attention in the next life will spend his wishes and desires and particular attention needs to be!

Your subconscious reflects the truth you wish, wish you to be rich, then the truth behind that you're poor and you will then make subconscious. Keep that in mind!

Many people have other Value, let them determine their self-esteem through praise and negative criticism, which provide respectively a rising or declining self-esteem.

As long as you do you find yourself consciously or worthless Other value and that is mirrored by the Law of Attraction.

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Correct an ego and he will feel attacked and clearance and do not like you.

He will not accept your correction and think they know themselves better.

He sees difficulties in opportunities.

He mirrors your ego and stubbornness, now if i past…

They are often pundits and fundamentalists. They think they know the truth and feel….

Correct an awakened and he will thank you for your love for him.

He will take the correction of heart, because of its open attitude and learning capacity. He sees opportunities in difficulties.

He reflects your openness, lerende capaciteit, wisdom and love. Now and in the future….

These are often people who accept life with its ups and downs and eclectics. Troubadours coming from trouver d'or or the finders of gold…

They know that truth is dynamic and often paradoxical and a pathless land, as Krishnamurti my view rightly, which you can make your way.

‘To be or not to be that is the question!’

The answer: ‘To be without to be?’.

Distrust people think, know and feel what is THE truth and who impose.

Follow those who seek truth and occasionally something discover and share with you.

What people flip you the most?

A narcissist once said about himself: "I am clean and pure and only love!’. That proved to be reaction formation, either show the opposite and mirroring what is really, was dominance, hebzucht, egocentrism in zelfhaat. The narcissist deserves compassion, but will not assume or reject and call you a narcissist(-).

On TV was a commercial with an office scene. Colleagues were cakes Annie eating. said a colleague: "Sorry Annie but that cake of yours is not hachelen!’. The other colleagues nodded in agreement. Instead of mirroring the criticism and to return said Annie: "Thanks for the feedback!"A great answer, I think.