The economy of enough

I am in favor of the economy of enough, 'm not greedy, unlike many people in society o.a. Bart van Luijk of by saying in a video clip: "More visits, more quotes, more customers, more sales and more profits'. Everything has to be more of him. Rupsje nooitgenoeg of Zwelgje.

That is a characteristic of the ego is never satisfied and always wants more. I would advise Bart to talk about: "Enough visit, enough bids, enough customers, enough enough revenue and profit '.

Ghandi zei: "There is enough for everyone's need but not for everyone's greed".

said an Indian: "If we have cut down the last tree, air and rivers are polluted, we will find out that you can not eat money ".

Donald Trump said he voot 100 million does not stop his campaign, because he has not enough, he wants 5 billion and then it stops, He is a greedy merchant without principles and for sale and to be president of America!!.

Tagore said: "Beauty knows how to say: 'enough'. Brutality calls for increasing!’

3 types of people

  • Never forget: 3 types of people in your life:
  • 1-who helped You in your difficult times
    2-who left You in your difficult times
    3-who put You in difficult times

The self-realized person

De stadia van bewustzijn en denken van de gerealiseerde mens heb ik in kaart gebracht zonder te pretenderen dat het compleet is. Je kunt checken in welke mate je op de goede weg bent.

Wayne Dyer asked Maslow: "What distinguishes the self-realized man the average man?!’

Maslow said that three things are:

-1- regardless of the opinion / approval of others

-2- no adhesion to the outcome

-3- no investment in control and power over others


Met alle respect voor Maslow, meen ik dat het nog meer dingen zijn, ik noem er een paar:

-niet meer te beledigen

-niet meer geestelijk te kwetsen

-verbonden met alles en iedereen

-beseft dat hij/zij een spiritueel wezen is met een menselijke ervaring

-heeft zich gedisidentificeerd en is onthecht

-heeft zelfspot en veel humor

-is dankbaar als je hem/haar corrigeert ipv boos

-leeft de waarheid van zijn ware Zelf, voelt zich niet meer maar ook niet minder dan een ander

-weet dat elke ontmoeting en elke omstandigheid er een is om van te houden en als dat niet lukt om van te leren en is zo altijd winnaar..

-heeft zijn/haar anima/animus en innerlijke kind geintegreerd en is een compleet mens

-is ontwikkelingsgericht in plaats van oplossingsgericht

-laat zich leiden door liefde en wijsheid ipv door angst en dwaasheid

-heeft zelfreflectie, erkent zijn gebreken, is volmaakt onvolmaakt en neemt zelf de verantwoordelijkheid voor zijn leven en geluk

-ziet in dat zijn omgeving de spiegel van hem/haarzelf is

-bepaalt in hoge mate zijn/haar omstandigheden is regisseur van zijn/haar leven en de dirigent van zijn/haar subpersonen die hem/haar eensgezind dienen

-is congruent en ‘clear’, denk,voelen,handelen,intuïtie en ervaren liggen op één lijn

-beleeft serendipiteiten en synchroniciteiten, is een vinder en accepteert en zegent wat er op zijn/haar weg komt.

-ziet de mogelijkheden in de moeilijkheden

-is realist en gelooft dus in wonderen, credo is: ‘Eerst geloven en dan zien!’

-is één met God, de kosmos, het universum, de Tao, Brahman, Allah of hoe je het ook noemen wilt.

-ziet ‘verlichting’ niet als eindresultaat maar als het begin van echt, uniek en authentiek leven.

-denkt holistisch en tantrisch en heeft een verruimd bewustzijn.

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Henny Bos

Bron: Boek ‘Stadia van bewustzijn en denken’ -Henny Bos, verschijnt najaar 2016 Book published by Bent

How are shadow side was mirrored, without his being aware of was….

One man told me that he always annoyed by the fact that earlier home a good conversation had to be aborted because the mother with food arrived, He felt terrible and I told him everything we annoy us or what irritates us is an aspect of ourselves, He would not believe me if he was not, no he was like his father

He said that as he was talking to his father, This man told his wife said the food could be a wait because he thought it important conversation and wanted to continue, great man thought, that was his style made him believe his ego

And when it happened: The man I was talking said he had to cancel the meeting because his wife came up with the food inside(!!!)

What he found so horribly once at home he did now (onbewust) self! His unconscious schduwkant he ruled would not recognize him. His parents had him home early just flipped, but he wanted to know nothing about, he blamed them prefer foregoing.

When I later the man pointed to his behavior, he was amazed and in disbelief, he had so unwittingly acted?. He could not imagine that, his ego was playing tricks on him and prevented that he would awaken….and would come to understanding…He was even a little mad at me and I thought: "Correct an ego or a fool, and he will get mad at you, correct an awakened and he will be grateful and appreciate ".

Boss vs Leader

Boss vs leader

The boss does things right and the leader does the right things, The boss recommends and the leader sets the example, see schedule:

boss vs leader

The boss is in the I-phase and the leader goes to the WE-phase. Jung recommends that to the I-stage to go to the We-phase. The leader is a service provider and creator opportunities, the boss feels superior and elevated above its employees.

A leader is also a coach and motivator and encourages its employees to get the most out of themselves and to develop and grow.

I had a boss who said: 'Profits have increased under my reign', he put the credits in his pocket, a leader would have praised his staff.

leader great

A boss is like a fireman and a leader and a boss tuinman..Een not give his mistakes and learns nothing and a leader calls his mistakes and learning moments will remember.

A boss expresses his method of working through, the leader works according to the formula E = K x A, where E = Effect, K = Knowledge Leader and A = Acceptance of its employees, The leader knows that if the acceptance 0 the effect is also zero.

A boss encourages competition and the leader encourages cooperation

says boss: "Do as I say not as I do ', says leader: "I take the lead and give an example of how you take responsibility for your life and work '.

A boss shares taken out and say how it should be done, a leader sets the direction and provides employees the opportunity to renew and encourages.

leader credits

A boss punishes mistakes off, allowing workers hide their mistakes, a leader encourages its employees to admit to mistakes and learn from them and congratulated them for that…thereby creating a learning organization….

A boss likes it when his employees are afraid of him (and is self afraid of people!), a leader makes himself loved by his employees, who love and enjoy working for him.

A boss is rigid and inflexible and does not want a birthday break, but want people working, a leader knows that strengthened mutual ties through such a break and get to work after a break people with fresh courage…

A boss strictly comply with the rules, a leader knows that if there is kept strictly to the rules is often wrong, to respond to changing situations is needed, flexibility is needed…

says boss: "Trust is good but control is better ', a leader builds trust with its employees.

If a worker startled as a boss, the boss will blame the worker that he has a bad conscience, as the leader comes and scares the employee he will say that he was very concentrated..

A boss blames, reproached and gives negative criticism, a leader will pay particular attention to what is okay to give attention which it grows, he will deliver constructive criticism…

talk to leaders vs managers