
Een kalimba is een Afrikaans instrument, het is een houten klankkast met een klankgat erin en metalen staafjes waarop je met je duimen speelt, het wordt dan ook wel een duimpiano genoemd. Opvallend is dat je er nooit vals op speelt en dus vrijelijk kunt improviseren. Hier is een geluidsfragment te horen, waarbij je kunt mediteren, het klinkt heel sonoor: kalimba mp3


As a schoolboy I always heard the latest jokes and when I asked my father always came home if I knew a joke, I know there's always a few, and my father was able to laugh heartily, and then went into the shop and told with great pleasure to the customers. I've o.a. about awareness and codependency and that's a joke between quite a good. Here's a funny statement about codependency I do like:

“My wife leads a double life: hers and mine.” – Wiet van Broeckhoven Belgian politician and media personality

and further a joke that I heard:

Will an attractive woman buying a hat. she fits, the first, the second, third, etc.. At the seventh she looks sometime around or she sees a saleswoman. A young man sitting on a chair staring at her. With her hat on, she asks: “State pe?” Says the young man: “At the second al!”

I plan this year or in 2013 issuing a joke book, there is a lot of demand for. Voltaire said it all:"I consider gravity as a disease’


Haiku is an ancient, Japanese poetry form. Christopher Weidner writes about:"A haiku moment is characterized by the presence of wabi sabi: it arouses desire. Wabi Sabi is more instinct than thought, More information about wabi sabi: see the topics at the top of my site. A haiku is in the first place meant to feel and not to think, all of which may of course.

A haiku has rules to know:

-a haiku consists of 3 phrases

-the first sentence 5 syllables, the second 7 and the third display 5

-a link is always made with the time of year and / or nature

-The haiku is written in the present tense

-there must be a special twist in perception, something that, notwithstanding the normal look, The special captures a moment

-The author is not involved in it(here is sometimes deviated)


A haiku of Nao-yo that make me like it is:

They pick falls heavily

and they can not reap heavy

small violets!


Here are some haiku that I myself thought:


the winter

The fire is kindled

it is warm


Choose one flower

why would you do that anyway?

Give to all flowers


Rush in the summer

hastier in winter

I had to stand still


Working at night

the heavens open

and always surprised again


Rainbow in May

lets see his true colors

What about me?


Let it still be quiet!

he broke the silence

and became silent


Do not immediately out,

what you can do tomorrow

Ass time than is counsel

Broodje hutsel smutsel

Fry onions until they are translucent with diced ham, about 1 take our sliced ​​ham, then add 3 of 4 tomatoes chopped, season with chili paste and soy sauce to, Finally, add two eggs, you stir through it, then 5 a 7 minutes the eggs simmer and then it is ready, when serving sprinkle with chives herbs and eat a sandwich or roll, eet smakelijk.

When I hutsel smutsel made once for my dear and talented brother Jan, He immediately wanted to know the recipe and made it home for his wife and himself, since they eat regularly and there is a pan on the stove


A man once told me that we are not worthy worms in the eyes of God, I said then that an insult directed at God because we are created in His image. This man was falsely modest, if I had told him that he was indeed a worthless worm, which I can not spend my time better, he had felt insulted. Rather arrogant and honest and real than false modesty, I think then.

There were three monks bragging about their monastery. The first said:"Our monastery is outstanding in meditation, just awesome'. The second said,:"Our monastery is formidable in prayer, unsurpassed ". The third said,:"Our monastery is the cream of the crop in terms of modesty, no it's better '(-)

A man said to himself that his statements suggested anything and you could tell him you expect that you would speak against, He was fishing for a compliment, Also false modesty so, as often.

"Who is modest has every reason to do’ – B. from Meutter

If I were a woman I ever help offering some goodies she says that I do not have to do it for her, that it might be too much trouble for me to do that for her, rather than just to thank for the kind gesture from me.

Nelson Mandela said there is nothing enlightened in your small to do and I totally agree with him. If you are humble you take too little pleasure you choose the crumbs instead of bread you right. Rather a healthy self-esteem than false modesty is my motto. The Bible even says:"Do you not know that thou art gods!’. Claim your heritage so.

Een man zei:"I'm just a simple boerenlul '. When I said he better not say of himself, that there will be plenty of others who'd say, and he intelligently to me when he shone with pride(-). He fished indirectly to a compliment and he got me.

My eldest son Danniel said a fellow student:"They behaved really a sorry way I was born '

Regarding the use of our potential we can rightly being modest, investigated is that we only 5% of us are not aware of potential use and there, though most find.

Bert is very modest and complains to Ernie Ernie took the biggest piece of cake. says Ernie:"What part did you have taken?’. Bert says modestly:"The smallest piece '. "What are you complaining then that's what you do now!"Ernie says fun.

Freud zei:"People are better than they know, but worse than they think '. If you are better than you know, there is no reason to be modest and should you find yourself in a divine value estimate. We are worse than we think because of the idealized self-image that we often after take because we could not stand our real self, it seems to be a solution but it created idealized self-image we can real self even more outstanding.

Cassius Clay who called himself Muhammed Ali later said: I'm the greatest "and was resented that he was not modest, me he did not have to be modest because he was the biggest and best boxer and was allowed to progress.

Alexander the Great wanted to hang a painting that did not have said a clerk:"Let me just hang up because I'm bigger ', Alexander said that: "The longer you're certainly not bigger '. Very nice see the other not more or less, but you feel connected to everyone and everything in a healthy self-esteem.

Here are some quotes that I found on documents:

Modesty is nothing else than the resignation of the smallness of the security of greatness. J.Rostand

Who is humble, has good reason. B.De Meutter

Modesty is often ambition that her wait time. C.Buddingh

Modesty is the art of the others let the good thing that you think of yourself. P.Bouvard

Only modest nietswaardigen; great people rejoice over their actions. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The surest way to not be very unfortunate to not require to be very happy, So by your claims for enjoyment, property, considered, honor so, be modest. A. Schopenhauer

Modesty is the only sure bait when fishing for praise – Lord Chesterfield

If you insult a modest man or in his honor attacks, He turns suddenly not be so modest – Henny Bos