fury 2

Codependents often repressed anger in them, who also can turn against themselves by gossip and a relentless inner critic that you say that you are not okay, are not good enough are a failure, etc.etc. The anger is repressed because we were not allowed to express our feelings in the dysfunctional family and the negative not at all on penalty of losing the "love" of our ancestors and that would mean our death, So we swallow everything and we repress our anger.

We're angry because we do not focus, erkenning, waardering, love and respect given that we had such a need. We're going to sublimate anger and exhibit passive-aggressive behavior by lying transverse, watching, make sarcastic remarks, humor have at the expense of the other, leedvermaak, To play devil's advocate, offend, denying attention, things to 'forget', the other 'gagging'(the silent treatment),you obnoxious act, you annoy quickly, deliver much criticism,etc.etc.

We project our repressed anger often on the other, we can then blame. Like we ensure that our other repressed anger plays out for us by making him or her hurt by our behavior and there to have fun and then the other to blame, self-reflection is alien to us, that's scary.

Thich Nhat Hanh schreef het boek 'je Omarm woede', that's good advice. Recognize that your anger is there and see it as a messenger that you bring a valuable message has, namely that you did not get your parents and is now trying to get out of vain. You can book your anger get you where you need also can give to yourself and be loving to yourself, Be a loving mother and father for yourself, who love you unconditionally for who you are and(Nietzsche zei: "Become who you are ').

Jung zei: "Who looks outside dreams and who looks inside awakens'. So look inside and see for yourself first and then see what's going on. Often we do have interest and attention for others but not for ourselves let alone for our inner child. In codependency is known to us inner child as treat our parents have treated us as children, the apple does not fall far from the tree. In my case it was his abandoned, do not get love and attention, not seen and that is true for many of us, I also learned when you have to take it outside, a destroyed, maar dat wist ik toen nog niet. Recognize the anger and transform the challenge into love and compassion for ourselves and our fellow man.

Here are two quotes about anger:

Spot is the rage of petty spirits – Alfred Lord Tennyson

Any anger is a sign of impotence. – Herwig Verleyen

Bron: Boek: "Anger Motivation & codependentie’ van Henny Bos, dat in 2012 of 2013 will appear.

Gedichtje van Nietzsche

I am finding more than enough,,nl,I have since learned to find,,nl,Since I wind once tegenhad,,nl,I sail with the winds,,nl,This poem tells a lot about my life and appeals to me,,nl,

sindsdien heb ik geleerd te vinden.

Ever since I had a headwind,

I sail with all the winds


Friedrich Nietzsche

Wat houdt je tegen?

Wat houdt je tegen? (What limits you throw yourself on?)

Think back to your childhood. you done any of these things?

-1-You asked a question in class and everyone laughed. It meant that you were very reluctant to ask questions, because you did not want the others you would find stupid. Even now, led you tend to avoid asking questions for fear of a negative response

-2-Your family was something dysfunctional when you were growing( developed and pull your codependent). Since then repeat those patterns. Freud called the "repetition compulsion".

-3-You were taught that request was a sign of weakness. As an adult you trying to do everything yourself(counterdependent), even though you can not touch it yourself

-4-You were brought up to believe that things would have been selfish for yourself. Giving is better than receiving taught you, you're not as able to receive, have resistance against.

-5-You said or did something that made people took you seriously. It could be a parent, teacher, classmate, if someone was in a store can zijn.Tot this day you are shy and reluctant to get attention and cooperation of others.

-6-You asked for something and you ashamed before. There you said:"How can you now ask?!'' Do not you see how hard we are?'' Do not be so selfish. "And now you feel jeschuldig if you want something for yourself

-7-You brought jezefl ever embarrassed and thought:"That makes me never happen again" Now keep your back still afraid to embarrass yourself again.

-8-You often got no response to your request. That left you with the expectation that you would get more no's, So you're reluctant not to ask anything.

-9-You were 'driven': o.a.om good to do your best in school, to excel in sports, or dance or play the piano. Your parents drove you up and let you rotate many events. as an adult, rarely ask for help and you also do not expect it, your role is the showman, the hero, the people pleaser(codependent), always looking for applause and praise.

-10-Your parents said things like:"When you're born a dime , you never get a penny "and" What will people there not thinking 'and' Just do then do you crazy enough '. This leads to codependency and thus i.a.. Low self-esteem. It strikes me that many people put their light under a bushel and not freely express their uniqueness and authenticity.

Unless you have a very rare, have had a unique upbringing you will recognize at least one of these things.

You were unconsciously programmed to feel like you do not deserve the things that can lead to scarcity in your life now.

You can reprogram yourself, by processing these events in a positive way and your self talk ', your inner dialogue positively rather than negatively to. It has everything to do with self-knowledge that you are a child of God, het universum, you all and love, attention, waardering, erkenning, respect, etc. deserve and are entitled to and that you must first give it to yourself often.

De 10 these points are in fact limits that you would create for yourself, so you can not fully live and can achieve interdependence. That inner boundaries are often difficult to observe, there is a lot of self-awareness and self-knowledge needed. We do see the speck in the eye of the other and not the beam in our own eye.