Archive for month: January, 2012
core Quadrants
/by Henny BosDaniel Ofman invented the core quadrants, which are very sensible to emphasize the limitations and drawbacks of the excel anywhere. As every disadvantage has its advantage(I write more about) has every advantage and its disadvantage there go the core quadrants o.a. over.
I scored a psychological test far over the limit when it came to analytical skills. The psychologists thought there was a mistake and looked after all, knocking it proved, I was exceptionally analytical. This core quality I will elaborate in a core quadrant to give an example of how you can create your own core quadrant
core Quality: Analytisch vermogen
pitfall: in feeling his
Challenge: More come your feeling
Allergy: mush
The allergy is something you bother to, what repels and where you can get annoyed and then pass to the opposite behavior. My allergy is sentimentality that I call often emotional incontinence. The challenge may be entered and should not be exaggerated so you enter the allergy
It might be an idea to make your own core quadrants, it leads to more awareness
Finally, a Haiku about core quadrant:
See your core quadrant
The downside to your advantage
and become aware
Eén – advaita vedanta
/4 Comments/by Henny BosM’n vriendin Elly zei:"If every man one other person loves and loved one another human being and ensures everyone is ensured for the whole world." I think that a nice thought and one other that must still easy to do!
There is an old story about the time when the Buddha was enlightened. The gods told him that he had to bring his message to the people but the Buddha refused and said that the people would not understand him and would reject and deny and would even attempt to ridicule him. The gods called to mind but the Buddha continued to refuse. Then said one God:"If there's one man who is just on the threshold, and by your words and presence to enlightenment could come you'd do it for the one man?!’, which the Buddha resounding Yes said, and was going to bring his message to the people. That story has always really appealed to me. Jesus also gave priority to the individual above the masses. It's always that one, the individual that makes the difference
In Advaita Vedanta, they are also talking about one. There is only one Being that manifests itself in different ways. Advaita means non-duality, therefore duality, but one is the unity of all.
Philip Renard writes:"You reach Advaita only complete when you reach the egoless state 'Then you are one with everything. The ego sees only as separated and then it's me versus the other and thus duality.
David Frawley says in his book 'Vedanta meditation ":"The Vedantaweg is dissolve the mind in the Self which is our true nature, beyond the mind and its conditioning "Jesus did even when he said:"I and the Father are one" and that we can do the same thing he did and even more, he put himself out on a (ego) pedestal, which Christians have put him
Frawley writes:"The Vedanta sees ignorance Attn. our True Self as the cause of all our problems of life 'However, the ego wants to know nothing of his ignorance and thinks everything themselves know better, even better than the wise and the ego does the opposite of what have said always point.
Furthermore Frawley writes:"To find truth we must be without motive. That is, we must be one with the universal motive: the world to a higher consciousness and:"Real relationship is, we ourselves in all beings and all beings see in ourselves'
That is, the I(ego)phase to the We(Self)going phase.
I once read the text contained in an I Illness and Wellness is in We.
Osho said that this is a universe and not a multiverse, what we make often. Frawley says that universal religion is universal consciousness and love. Universe means one song..
You and others are really one, it is we instead of I vs. You, we are gods and that is even in the Bible:"Do you not know that thou art gods!’
Everything you do to others you do in being yourself and what you give to others you actually give yourself. Je omgeving is de spiegel van jezelf!. Everything you have given can call you truly yours.
Osho gods:"Va durability is the absence of the other, and are only( are all one, one with it all ..) is the presence of yourSelf.
I think it was Erich Fromm wrote that the greatest problem of our time is that man can not only with themselves. I think because they are not one, niet uit één stuk, No friends with themselves.
Joseph Murphy schrijft in z’n boek ‘The power of your subconscious mind’:"When you give emotionally mature no negative response to criticism, resentment, resentment and hatred of others. If you would do that would mean that you descend to their state of low mental vibration and energy, and you would become one with the negative atmosphere of the other '
English latch one the same as winning. If you are one you have indeed won, the victory over oneself is the greatest victory. Then work all sub-personality as a whole together, and you're in one piece, no more struggle between o.a. the head and the heart where Chris de Burg on singing.
I will be happy and satisfied if I can reach one person with this letter and inspire,motiveren,enthuse and encourage. If I have one heart, one soul was able to touch, you can sign up and then I will greet you warmly.
Bron: My book "Mirrors of the Soul’ (2008)
/by Henny BosEen kalimba is een Afrikaans instrument, het is een houten klankkast met een klankgat erin en metalen staafjes waarop je met je duimen speelt, het wordt dan ook wel een duimpiano genoemd. Opvallend is dat je er nooit vals op speelt en dus vrijelijk kunt improviseren. Hier is een geluidsfragment te horen, waarbij je kunt mediteren, het klinkt heel sonoor: kalimba mp3
/by Henny BosAs a schoolboy I always heard the latest jokes and when I asked my father always came home if I knew a joke, I know there's always a few, and my father was able to laugh heartily, and then went into the shop and told with great pleasure to the customers. I've o.a. about awareness and codependency and that's a joke between quite a good. Here's a funny statement about codependency I do like:
“My wife leads a double life: hers and mine.” – Wiet van Broeckhoven Belgian politician and media personality
and further a joke that I heard:
Will an attractive woman buying a hat. she fits, the first, the second, third, etc.. At the seventh she looks sometime around or she sees a saleswoman. A young man sitting on a chair staring at her. With her hat on, she asks: “State pe?” Says the young man: “At the second al!”
I plan this year or in 2013 issuing a joke book, there is a lot of demand for. Voltaire said it all:"I consider gravity as a disease’
Interesting links
Here are some interesting links for you! Enjoy your stay :)Pages
- ‘Hoe gaat het?’, over de menselijke conditie
- ‘Over de waarde van onze fouten’
- 1.Ontkenning van codependentie
- Adresgegevens
- Aforismen
- Aforismen over bewustzijn
- Afrekenen
- Anderenwaarde, over codependentie
- Anger management
- Artikel over codependentie in Paravisie
- Artikel over levenskunst
- Artikelen
- Attitudinal healing
- Attitudinal healing literatuur
- Audio bewustwording epiloog
- Audio bewustwording introductie
- Audio bewustwording verdieping
- Audio lezing codependentie LETS 13-10-2011
- Audio lezing levenskunst Loil 2011
- Basiskennis van codependentie deel 1
- Basiskennis van codependentie deel 2
- Bewustwording
- Bewustwordings tips
- Blog
- Boek: ‘Anderenwaarde, over codependentie
- Boeken
- Brochure: Controle & codependentie
- Brochure: Een introductie in codependentie
- CD codependentie Peter de Kock en Henny Bos interviewen elkaar
- CD gespreksgroep codependentie 18-12-2011
- CD interview paravisie over codependentie
- CD lezing codependentie 13-10-2011 voor de LETS
- CD lezing levenskunst in Loil
- CD lezing over codependentie
- Coaching
- Codependente grappen
- Codependente wereld
- Codependentie
- Codependentie en het innerlijke kind
- Codependentie literatuur
- Codependentie test
- codependentie-definities
- Communicatie
- Contact
- Controleren en gecontroleerd worden
- CV
- Dankbaarheid
- Dankbaarheid 2
- De baas over je subpersonen, over intradependentie
- De chinese wijze(n)
- De Dramadriehoek
- De meester en de leerling
- De spelletjes die de mensen spelen
- De symptomen van codependentie
- De Waarheid zal je vrijmaken, maar eerst woedend maken!
- Defectcharme
- Drama driehoek
- Dromen
- Dromen literatuurlijst
- Droom 16-10-2011
- Droom 22-12-2011
- Droom november 2015
- Droomduiding
- Droomduiding(kort)
- DVD codependentie
- Eén
- Een artikel over bewustzijn
- Een droom uit 2011
- Ervaringen van levenskunst
- Folder codependentie
- Geen eigenwaarde, over codependentie
- Geluk
- Geluk & Levenskunst
- Geluk 2
- Geluk 3
- Gespiegeld worden
- Helpaholics
- Het herkennen van een narcist
- Ho’oponopono
- Ho’oponopono – zero limits
- Hoe blind kunnen we zijn – artikel in Spiegelbeeld 2012
- Hoe blind kunnen we zijn?
- Hoe ga ik dromen?
- Hoe gaat het?
- Hoe kom je achter je codependentie?
- Hoe kom je van je codependentie af?!
- Homepage
- Informatiefolder bewustwording
- Initiatief
- Initiatieven
- Intradependentie
- Je eigen vijand zijn
- Kikkerbewustzijn
- Klagen
- klankschaalbad
- Levenshouding
- Levensinspiraties
- Levenskunst & geluk
- Levenskunst en geluk
- Levenskunstwetten
- Macht, een bespiegeling
- Meester en leerling 2
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- Mijn idee over ho’oponopono
- Mindfulness
- Mindfulness afwassen
- Mindfulness bronnen/literatuur
- Nederlandstalige boeken over codependentie
- Negatieve emoties
- Negatieve emoties
- Over mij
- Past Reality Integration info
- Persoonlijke grenzen & codependentie
- PRI- Illusies
- Prijzen & tarieven
- Principes attitudinal healing
- Richtlijnen attitudinal healing
- Robin Norwood
- Spiegels voor de ziel
- Test ‘Hoe voel je je nu?’
- Thema’s
- Wabi sabi
- Wabi sabi literatuur
- Wat is attitudinal healing?
- Winkel
- Winkelwagen
- Woede naar jezelf
- Woede1
- Woede2
- Woedemotivatie & codependentie
- Woedemotivatie & codependentie
- You tube filmpjes over codependentie
- Zelfcompassie & codependentie
- Over mij