Vermijd mensen die….(deel 2)

Inspired by the statements of Vernon Howard, I made some statements about avoiding people who….

-say to know the truth

-claiming that their method is the only real way to happiness and awareness

-warn you about liars and cheaters(so as to appear honest yourself)

-promise your golden mountains

-say they don't trust anyone and nobody can be trusted

-gossip about others(so also about you)

-egocentric, pedantic, overbearing, be smart

-acting like an idiot, worn foolishly or stupidly

-your unsolicited advice and "wise’ give advice and think you know what is best for you

-try to convince you that they are right

-always lying crossways and being in contramine

-joke about everything, ridicule everything

-talking badly about others

-you just talk to the mouth, flatterers

-say of themselves that they are so honest and pure

-complain a lot, zeuren, zeiken, dreams and jokes

-you do not accept a go on and try to make you feel guilty and manipulate

-tell them to keep what they tell you a secret

-try to arouse your pity by being pitiful and playing the victim


Vermijd mensen die…

Vernon Howard, raar maar waar, nooit in het Nederlands vertaald, bij deze wel..

-je benaderen met droevige ogen

-emotionele liefde aan de dag leggen

-beloven om zich beter te gedragen

-hun goede daden opsommen

-weten wat je nodig hebt

-opkomen voor hun rechten

-proberen je in hun zaken te betrekken

-zich vervolgd en aangevallen voelen

-je iets willen laten inzien

-slechte momenten hebben gehad

-je vertellen dat je ze kunt vertrouwen

-enthousiast zijn over hun grote plannen

-zich gekwetst voelen door je weigering

-staren maar niet zien

-hun best doen om je te overtuigen


Vernon Howard(vertaald uit het Engels door mij)


In his book Zero Limits Dr.Joe Vitale writes about ho'oponopono. It says:'Ho'oponopono means 'to make right' or 'to correct a mistake' and 'The ho'oponopono process is to release toxic energies within you and allow an input of Divine thoughts, words, deeds and actions'

He further says:To be an effective problem solver, the therapist must be willing to 100% to be responsible for creating the problem, that means he must be willing to see that the source of the problem is the wrong thought in him and not in the client. Therapists never perceive that if there is a problem they are always there.”.

Yes the environment is the mirror of yourself and that is also the subtitle of my book 'Be mirrored' that in 2012 is going to come out. You always see yourself and often do not want to, and prefer to project onto the other.

De ho’oponopono mantra is:

-I love you

-Thank you

-I’m sorry

-Please forgive me

Click here to read the whole article

DVD codependentie

In januari 2012 zal de DVD met 6 korte lezingen over codependentie van me uitkomen, e.e.a. is in oktober 2011 opgenomen door Clemens van der Horst

Er zullen ook you tube filmpjes van gemaakt worden die 4 until 8 minuten duren

Zie de pdf voor meer informatie: dvd codependentie

Meditatie met rainstick

Pictured is my friend Arthur with the big rainstick. It's a fast time, but maybe you have half a minute to meditate to the sound of this rainstick and think about things, you can hear it here: rainstick it will do you good!