Een broodje verschrikkelijk

Je neemt een boterham of een broodje en besmeert het met becel en belegt hem met 1 a 2 plakjes ham, 1 plakje fricandeau, 2 plakjes rosbeef, 1 plakje pekelvlees en 1 plakje lever(je kunt de lever ook vervangen door gebraden gehakt) dan doe je er rundvleessalade op en een gekookt ei, je garneert met stukjes augurk en/of schijfjes komkommer en schijfjes tomaat en evt. wat ijsbergsla en giet er coctailsaus over en strooit er wat bieslookkruiden over en klaar is kees, het is een traktatie en een complete maaltijd, eet smakelijk!

Tip: maakt het klaar op de mindfulnessmanier, dus bewust, met liefde en aandacht en oplettendheid en eet het ook op de mindfulnessmanier op alsof je van mars komt en nog nooit gegeten hebt, dan geniet je pas echt, het is een orgastisch genoegen.

Veel mensen durven niet gelukkig te zijn..


That said, my friend Arthur to me, who has come out of depression and was unhappy because he was not himself, but adapted itself to others, So it was codependent. A therapist asked him:"What would you be without your problems?"Arthur knew no answer and thought at that moment later, he would be nothing without its problems, would disappear, it would be his death, he was so familiar with it, problems had become its identity. Then he saw the ridiculousness of e.e.a. and came to understand.

We cling to the known and trusted, even if that afflicts us. A good example of a child who was taken away by the child with her mother hit her and abused, Child vehemently protested and reached out to the mother. Many of us are like that child and seek the familiar misery again, the tragedy. I think it's one of the reasons for the success of GTST, that's all drama and you think it's not that bad to you if you see that.

My friend Arthur has now realized at the age of 25 that he can be there for who he is and does not have to cling to problems. A friar of the abbey the Slangenburg said it very nicely on the clinging, he said:"Look Henny the people are doing this" and then he clenched his fists then he said "but then you can't catch, You should do this' and then he took his hands a bowl(see picture), a wise lesson from this man in letting go and surrender in Your will be done, without being fatalistic.

so you can catch

Maybe you know of a survey among the Dutch population to happiness. I believe that 75% said they were happy and I say that they lie, it's the same as if you ask how are you, Most say than good, and lying, and if you then ask how is it real with you, you hear the true story, in the study is not requested and the results are not valid.

I walked with Leon through the city and then he told me:

” Look at the people Henny, they have beautiful polished shoes, beautiful clothes and bags full of groceries and now look at those faces!
there indeed knocked nothing, all unhappy and tormented faces I saw, the misery shone on it.

It takes courage to sensitize your shadow sides so you will master and no power over your exercise, as long as they remain unaware they control you without you know it, you can not have mastery over things you do not know and you are not aware of.

Rumi zei:'' Who in itself no defects discovered is his own enemy "and many others with him said similar things see on my site under the item codependency the topic of your own enemy '


I speak regularly woman, I'll call her Carla, with implosive and repressed anger in them that they can not express themselves and then the there other ways in which they are not aware of is o.a. by continuous transverse lie and be counter-mine and so unconsciously try to make the other person angry about her anger yourself not to feel and to play another one and then the other to blame.

I told her the story of Miss Kleefkens of high school who gave Dutch and said in a Monday morning:"I think you have no sense in Dutch 'No' we said all together. "What do you talking about" she asked. We said 'space' and she started to our surprise talk about space and after half an hour they switched to Dutch and had our interest, well which Kleefkens. Then said Carla "That was not much fun for the kids who did not love space 'and was back transverse. 'Are you angry now?!"She asked expectantly and almost hopeful, I said no, why would I'. Beware that another anger is not going to project on you and let you play through

There are people who make a sport to get you from the blood under the nails of their sarcasm, spot, cynicism, jamming, Playing devil's advocate, etc.etc. all sublimations of repressed anger that they do not want to see themselves and therefore would let you play…

So is the story of Aunt Clara her husband asked what he wanted to eat, he said Doppers, and snapped when she said "But we've already eaten yesterday!'' Then sprouts but "the man said," But you know very well that I do not like, "she snapped back. "Well then do carrots but" the man said what annoyed. 'Are you angry now!"Said the woman felt unerringly. ‘Nee’, the man said. "I think you get angry you look so angry," Clare said. "Yes, if you continue I will be angry," said the man, and when Clara had her goal achieved her anger played by her husband!

Informatiefolder bewustwording


Download the awareness brochure here:folder awareness


Many people are not aware,

Because they think and dream that

They already are and therefore do nothing…..

Henny Bos –




The universe

Attached is a pdf with images of our universe and to think that we have only discovered a small fraction
